Chapter 28 ~ Never The End

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Sqaishey's POV
"Bethany Bates. I'm afraid it's bad news. It's virtually impossible to save you. Your wound lost too much blood before you arrived here. You would need at least 5 people to donate blood to help you," the doctor told me, "Unless you can find those 5 people, you have 12 hours left at a maximum." The doctor then left the room to tell Stampy. I sighed. This could be my last 12 hours. I'm only 21, too young to die. But that sounds selfish seeing as other YouTubers my age have died and even some younger like Jojo. Stampy walked in, distracting me from my thoughts.
"Hey," he said.
"I would love you to sit here making me feel better, but I'd rather have us both texting all our friends still alive to see if any of them have the same blood type," I told him.
"Well I have the same blood type as you already know, so that's only 4 we need to find."
~Time Skip Half An Hour~
"So. Jimmy, Lizzie, Jamie and Ariel are willing to donate some blood for me," I said.
"We could always find 1 more to be on the safe side," Stampy advised.
"Colleen said she would," I told him.
"Ok," Stampy said, "They're all on their way now." Stampy left me to have a little nap before the others came.

Stampy's POV
I left Sqaishey to have a nap before the others come, but I mainly left her because I just wanted 10 minutes to myself to let everything sink in. I went into a bathroom and opened spotify on my phone. Then I selected a song I added whilst I waited for the results earlier. The song was called Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish.
A/N Play Song Below

Once the song finished, I played it again and again. I added the song because Sqaishey's eyes are like the ocean. I really hope she makes it through this...

Heyyyyy! I'm alive guys!
(Also, there should be another chapter in about 30 minutes)

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