Chapter 14 ~ SqaishHunter123

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Sqaishey's POV

Joe was SqaishHunter123. How did I not know my ex played minecraft? I'm so stupid. I thought SqaishHunter123 was a hater. But no. It was Joe. Anyway, the main problem was the fact that Joe was coming back. Who knows when, but we have to be ready.
'We need to be ready for Joe! We may need to move!' I said, panicked at the thought of seeing Joe again.
'It's ok Sqaish'
'No! No! No it is not going to be okay! You aren't his ex girlfriend! You don't know what he's capable of!' I cried, in tears. I was so stressed out.

Stampy's POV

Sqaishey shouted at me. We argued. I know, it doesn't sound that bad, but this is worse. Sqaishey won't talk to me. She is going to do something she will regret. I don't know what though. I heard a loud sob from Sqaishey's room. She had locked herself in her room for the past hour and a half. I could quite easily get in, but I respected the fact that she wanted to cry in private. I spoke about Joe without thinking. I should have known that I would trigger something, as I knew she still woke up from nightmares about him.

Sqaishey's POV

Stampy doesn't understand. Or does he? I don't know. I'm not in the right frame of mind to think about anything. I don't even know why I'm crying. Joe hurt me, physically and mentally, but I can't change that. I went and washed my face and got a cup of tea. I then recorded a new feather adventures video.

Stampy's POV

I heard that I had a new YouTube notification. It was a new video from Sqaishey.
'Sqaishey Quack just uploaded a video: Feather Adventures (insert episode number)'
I decided to watch the video. She sounded a little upset. I decided to write a letter to Sqaish. It read:
'Sorry about talking about Joe like that and doubting his abilities. I should trust you more seeing as you are his ex. I'll stop now in case I trigger something again. Please forgive me?'

Sqaishey's POV

I saw something sticking under the door. It was a letter from Stamps. It was asking me to forgive him. I did, so I went downstairs to tell him I would.

Stampy's POV

She forgave me. I was happy now.

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