Chapter 24 ~ Longing

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Sqaishey's POV
I woke up to Lizzie crying for Joel. Since his death yesterday, Lizzie has been pretty much permanently in tears. His body is being sent back to England to get buried in his home town. I knew that Lizzie's heart was aching terribly. I know how she feels because I had a little sister who died when she was 2. She drowned. I decided to go over to Lizzie to talk to her.
"Hey Lizzie. I know talking is the last thing you want to do, but if you want to talk about anything, I'm always here," I said in a gentle voice. She sighed. I felt so bad for her, especially as she watched him die slowly and painfully. We are staying underground in a base for a day so we can grieve. I noticed that Lizzie had Joel's phone. She had called Joel's parents to say about his death and they were very understanding. Lizzie had made a video on Joel's channel explaining what happened. It was really tough for her. We were all hoping that we wouldn't have one made for us. 22 members of our group now, and our leader making 23. Joel is gone. Never coming back.
Me and Lizzie sat in silence for a while, but eventually she spoke.
"It's so hard Sqaish. Joel was the first boyfriend who made me feel loved and good about myself."
"I know Lizzie. It's hard. I know how it feel to lose someone," I told her.
"You do?" She asked.
"Yes. I had a sister who drowned when she was 2. I was 13 at the time, and I'm still not over it. It was her birthday yesterday."
"Wow. I never knew that about you," she replied, shocked at the fact I had a sister who drowned.
"Hey. How are you Lizzie?" Yammy asked, just waking up.
"Meh... Really depressed. I feel like I'm going to do something I will regret."
"Don't do anything stupid Lizzie. I couldn't bear to lose you," Yammy replied. Lizzie vowed to try not to do anything stupid, as she knew nobody was coping well with Joel's death.
"I'll try not to. For all of you, but mainly for Joel. He would want me to stay strong," she told us, but she didn't sound too sure...


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