Chapter 25 ~ 2nd Death

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Stampy's POV
It's been 3 days since Joel died, and we were about to head back up to the surface. We all checked that we had everything and climbed the ladder 1 at a time. 22 members of our group are left and we also have our leader, Will, making 23. The enemy are starting to attack more fiercely now, and 1 group is down to 7 members, meaning that they will get split up. The group contains: The Gabbie Show, Paul Zimmer, Jamie Rose, Jojo Siwa, Ricegum, Lionmaker Studios and Paige The Panda. As we are the strongest group, 3 of them are coming to us. We don't yet know who is coming though.

Sqaishey's POV
We had been walking for about 4 hours, when we heard a yell from Stacy. Me, Lizzie and Yammy rushed over to her, as she was best friends with all of us. Will rushed over and instantly said, "Heart attack." Stacy was gone. 21 members left. (A/N when I say how many members, I'm no longer going to count Will unless I say and Will making...) We were silent for a minute in respect, then carried on our journey. By 9 pm we had reached the new base. Only 10 minutes after we arrived there, the 3 new group members came and joined us. We only knew who they were once they introduced themselves.
"Hey I'm Jojo Siwa. I know I'm the youngest at war, but I chose to come to war. My mum couldn't stop me. I miss my dog so so much, but helping others is more important. Oh and I do lots and lots of musical.lys!"
"I'm Paul Zimmer and I also do musical.lys. I miss my 2 dogs, just like Jojo, but I'm fine without them. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all."
"And finally, I'm Jamie Rose. I do like Paul and Jojo, and I miss the 2 dogs that me and Paul own. I really like you all, from what I have heard and am proud to be put with you all." Three new people who all do I also do, but not many. Me, Jamie, Jojo and Paul had a conversation about
"Hey Jamie, Paul, Jojo," I said.
"Yeah?" Jojo replied.
"Do you wanna talk about for a bit?" I asked them.
"Sure," chorused Jamie and Paul.
"What's your musername?" Asked Jamie.
"Ok." Within 30 seconds I had 3 new followers, all of which are famous musers!
"Aww thanks guys!" I exclaimed.
"No probs," said Jojo. We carried on talking and making musical.lys for about an hour. Jamie and Paul gave me tips on transitions and how to make them look more advanced, and Jojo showed me some basic dance steps to put into some musical.lys. I couldn't thank them enough for the help. We soon became friends, and were the happiest we had been since war was declared. Jojo even let my try some of her bows which for some reason she had brought with her.

We now have 24 members of our group and our leader making 25, meaning that we filled every bed. We are the biggest group. We will survive and stay strong. For Joel and Stacy...

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