Chapter 21 ~ A New Arrival

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Sqaishey's POV
I woke up to my alarm at 7:30 am. I looked around, doing the same thing that I do every day which is watch the others wake. Today, an extra person woke up. I knew who it was, but nobody else did. The person was in the bed between Tom and Squid. It was Nicole.
'Nicole!' exclaimed Squid. He leaped out of bed and ran over to her. She enclosed him in a hug, which seemed to last forever. Ash walked out of the room, not stopping to look at anyone but me. He could tell I knew that she was coming. Ash was jealous of Squid. Everyone was asking Nicole questions. She looked over and smiled at me. I could see from her face how happy she was to see Squid and everyone else. She introduced herself  to Jimmy, Martyn, Oli, Lizzie, Scott, Joel, Yammy, Callum, Colleen and Rachel, and they all had a conversation about YouTube. I had already told Nicole who was in our group, so she had looked at their channels and done a piece of art for each person (even the people she already knew) and was now giving them to everyone. Nicole's art skills are absolutely jaw dropping. Everyone thanked her, and Rachel was in tears at how good it was.

Stampy's POV
We woke up to somebody new in the bed between Tom and Squid. It was Nicole. She had done a piece of art for each of us, and Rachel was in tears because of how good it was. Ash wasn't in the room as he walked out. We all knew he was jealous of Squid because he got to see his girlfriend again. I decided to contact Izzy as I knew she wanted to come out to war. It looks as if Sqampy is working our magic and making people happy. When Ash went to get ready to head back out to war, I went into a separate room  and called Izzy. We had all given each other the numbers of people who were close to us, just in case anything happened. Izzy accepted the invitation. We all knew it was a YouTube war, but we were told if anyone wanted to come and help, they could do. Izzy was getting the next flight out to Madagascar. She would be here by tomorrow morning.

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