Chapter 6 ~ The Middle Of The Night

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Sqaishey's POV

I sat up. What was going on? Who was in Stampy's house. I heard them banging around downstairs. Was this some crazed fan searching for Stampy's belongings, or was it a random person who didn't know who we were, who was just breaking in for the sake of it? I crept out of bed to my door and listened. I could faintly hear them in what seemed to be the kitchen. I took this opportunity while they were distracted to go into Stampy's room. Luckily, it was only across from mine.
'Stampy? Stampy?' I whispered. I gently shook him.
'What's up Sqaishey?' Stampy sighed, just waking up.
'I think somebody is downstairs' I replied.

Stampy's POV

I was woke up just after 3:00 am by Sqaishey.
'What's up Sqaishey?' I sighed. I was just waking up.
'I think somebody is downstairs' Sqaishey replied.
I instantly panicked. Was this some crazed fan, or a person breaking in for the sake of it, not even knowing we were practically famous because of youtube. Sqaishey pretty much voiced my words just then.
'What do you think? Is it a crazed fan, or somebody who doesn't know who we are' Sqaishey whispered.
'Sqaishey' I said 'I honestly don't know'
I stood up, and put on my dressing gown.
'Im going to investigate' I informed Sqaishey.
'No Stamps' Sqaishey said 'I don't want you to get hurt'
'Don't worry Sqaish' I said reassuringly 'If anything happens, I will shout 'cake' and you call 999'
So I went downstairs. And I saw the intruder.

Sqaishey's POV

Stampy went downstairs. I was praying for him not to get hurt. I could hear the intruder  still rumaging around downstairs. I crept back to my room to get my phone. I had a text from Stampy. It read:
'Hey im ok. The intruder is just searching the other spare room downstairs. I can see a cricket bat in an open cupboard, Im gonna hit them from behind with it'
The message was sent 2 minutes ago. Suddenly, I heard somebody scream in pain.

Stampy's POV

As I headed downstairs, the intruder was on the move from the kitchen. I stood against the wall as they passed. They were in the living room. I hid behind a door watching them search through all my belongings. I spotted a cricket bat in the cupboard the intruder had just opened. I got my phone out of my pocket, and texted Sqaishey as the intruder was distracted. Luckily my screen was on the darkest setting. After I sent the message, the intruder moved rooms again. On the way to the next room, which was another spare room, I grabbed the cricket bat. In hiding again, I texted Sqaishey. The message read:
'Im gonna do it. Im gonna hit them with the bat'

Unknown POV

Aha! I found the house! At least, I thought I had. I found a brick next door, and smashed the window. Yes this was definitely the right house. I could see the Stampy cushions. Now, where was Sqaishey? Ah she must be upstairs. While I was down here, I might as well search all the rooms for anything which took my fancy.

Sqaishey's POV

I got another text. It said:
'Im gonna do it. Im gonna hit them with the bat'
I was hoping and hoping Stampy would be ok.
'Sqaishey! Come downstairs!' I heard someone shout, 'Come on, it's ok'. It was Stampy. I rushed downstairs. I walked into the other spare room, and saw a body on the ground. I instantly recognised it. It was Joe.

Stampy's POV

Sqaishey gasped.
'Hey. What's up Sqaish?' I asked. I was concerned. Sqaishey ran off upstairs. I quickly tied the person up with some string I found, and went off to find Sqaish. I heard her crying in her room. I tried to get in, but she had locked the door.
'Let me in Sqaish. Please' I pleaded. Sqaishey unlocked the door. I saw her face was tear stained.
'Stampy. The intruder. It was my ex. Joe.' Sqaishey said. He had the same name as me, but it didn't seem the right time to point this out to her.
'But why are you so upset about it Sqaishey? He hasn't done any permanent damage, don't worry' I reassured her.
'But Stampy. You don't get it. He hasn't affected you. He has affected me in the past. He hurt me. Physically.' Sqaishey said. I was shocked. Maybe this was why she lacked so much confidence.

Sqaishey's POV

I let Stampy in. I was still crying. I told Stampy that in the past he hurt me physically. His mouth hung open.
'Do you want to talk about it?' He asked me.
'Maybe' I said, 'In the morning'.
'Ok. Goodnight Sqaish.' Stampy said. He then returned to his room. I lied there and cried. I was woken up by the birds singing. At first, I thought it was all a dream. Then I felt my still damp pillow. It happened. It really really happened. I couldn't believe it.

 I couldn't believe it

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