Gamer's Date

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“Eh? House of the Dead?” Rose looked at the Game Console with the label House of the Dead and below says insert coin.

“I thought that we would have fun by playing in the Arcade. I love this game.”

Karl inserted two coins and tapped the 2 player mode.

“How do I do this? I just have to pull the trigger to kill the monsters right?” Rose asked Karl while being confused on how to play the game.

“Yep. Just target to a monster and pull the trigger. You have 3 lives be careful not to let anyone kill you.”

The game started and both of them started to shoot some monsters. Karl killed many but lost one life. Karl looked at Rose and she killed more than Karl and didn’t lose a single life.

“Eh? You’re quite good at it Rose. How about a contest of who will survive in the end?” Karl looked at Rose and challenged her.

“IDIOT watch out.” Karl looked back to the game and was attacked by a ghost and lost another life.

“Nyahahahaha I accept your challenge. The winner can order the loser anything but only once how about it? Hahaha”

Karl was annoyed because he has only one life while Rose got 3.

“Sure. I’ll win anyway. A pro can’t lose to a newbie Rose Hahaha”

Karl accepted Rose’s suggestion and Level 3 was about to start.

“No hard feelings if you lose Karl.” Rose looked and smirked at Karl preparing the gun to shoot some monsters.

“Bring it on Rose hahaha”

Level 3 started and more monsters came. Karl successfully killed all the monsters without losing a single life.

“I told you a pro can’t lose to a-

 Karl looked at Rose and she too killed all the monsters without losing a single life.

“What were you saying again? Hahaha.”

Karl was surprised but got intimidated because it was his first time to battle a good player.

Level 4 was about to start.

“For sure you won’t survive this one Rose. This level is very hard.” Karl warned Rose. Rose just looked at him and smirked.

“Oh really? Bring it on then.” Rose just laughed while Karl was so focused on defeating level 4 of the game.

Level 4 started and hundreds of monsters came running to both of them. Karl shot a lot of ghosts but missed to kill one that was attacking him and lost the last life. He was game over.

“Let’s go Rose. Level 4 is so freaking hard how do they even pass this level?” Karl was about to go when he looked at Rose.

“Want me to show you how? Hahahahaha” Karl looked at Rose’s game console and he survived Level 4 without losing a single life. Rose just kept on laughing and bullying Karl. Karl was so shocked because he haven’t tried passing level 4 without losing any life.

“You’re such a noob.” Rose told Karl and laughed.

Level 5 came and the Boss is showing up in the game. Many people started watching Rose play the Final stage. It’s rare to see a girl reach the Final stage without losing a single life.

“I can’t believe you get to fight with the boss! Kill him and we’ll win a lot of tickets!”

Karl kept on urging Rose to kill the boss and Rose just laughed and agreed.

“Just don’t forget to do what I will order after I beat the boss Karl hahaha.”

Level 5 came and the final boss appeared, a giant Spider with a lot of webs and other monsters clinging to it. Rose killed all the other monsters and the boss was the one left. A lot of people were watching as how Rose was slowly killing the boss shooting its vital organs and its weak spots. Karl couldn’t believe that Rose was extremely good at this game. The boss died and Karl jumped with joy as he saw a hundred tickets flow out of the game. A lot of people were so amazed that a girl managed to clear the game without losing any life. Both of them went to the Ticket Converter. Karl gave all the tickets and let Rose choose what thing they will get.

“Hey Rose! Managed to clear the game again? You’re so damn good you know!” The teller told Rose. Karl realized that Rose was actually a pro in the game. The teller gave them teddy bear in switch of the tickets.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were actually a master of the game you cheater.” Karl was annoyed for losing and Rose just kept on laughing telling that he is such a noob.

“Go kneel in front of the crowd Hahahaha.” Rose told Karl.

“Huh?” Karl didn’t understand.

“IDIOT THE WINNER GETS TO ORDER ANYTHING TO THE LOSER RIGHT? Now go kneel in front of the crowd wahahahaha”

Karl kept on telling her that she was cheating but has no choice but to do what she ordered. He kneeled in front of the crowd and people were laughing at him. Rose laughed so hard the moment she saw him kneel.

“You’re such a noob Hahahaha” Rose kept on laughing at Karl’s face. Karl threw the teddy bear at Rose’s face and was annoyed but still laughed.

“Shut up you cheater you didn’t tell me you where a pro.” Karl told Rose as she looked at her. Karl never thought that Rose likes video games.

“You’re so cool you know.. I really like girls who are gamers.” Karl told Rose and smiled.

“I also like noob gamers you know Hahahaha” Rose laughed and Karl was annoyed.

It was already 6:00 pm and both of them decided to get dinner. They went to the restaurant and before they entered, they’ve seen familiar faces.

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