Noel's Story, Part One

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It's Josh L. and I am going to tell it from my pov on how we all met.

WARNING: POV (Point of View) WILL change


Noel's POV

Okay easy mission get in disable security so Fang can blow through the safe and Sarah will get the diamond, and if anything goes wrong Tara has got us for the quick fix. This is the first time I will meet them and I haven't seen any of them all I saw was a file and bio of each that Alexus gave me. The only 2 things she told me was watch out for "The Authority" and my mission statement 'get in take out security and rendez-vous at Starbucks.

When I read each file and saw their pictures one stood out that I knew I wanted to impress somehow, I do not know yet but I have to somehow. I had two things i could do, first do the mission as told, or take down the whole city's power (besides hospitals and orphanages I may be a criminal but I still have a heart, but I would do the kids a favor in no school for a week.), Or would that make me a nerd to them all? Oh well, I am just going to do what I am getting paid to do, while trying to impress the cute girl named Sarah. Maybe i will actually get a date? i smile at myself as i prepare for the mission with thoughts on how to impress her, I mean every time I go on a mission with a cute girl it is the last time i ever see them... two were terminated, the others well you do not see thieves arsonists and all the other people you know and work with going out to get a coffee with coworkers, it is always see you for the job anytime after (depending on if it is an assassin or not ) you will not see them again till the final bell hits.

There is one thing you need to know about me before you say 'aw he is just the normal no good hacker and thief' I have news to tell you I was never normal and  mean never. My parents raised me and found out what i was best at criminal wise, well thing is it was only for a last resort cause and I only planned on using it for a last resort cause. Tell me if this is last resort enough for you, my friend Chris(He has been my friend since first grade and only one I tell my secret to) he was kidnapped with a ransom of two million. So now I have to and I learned once you get in this life there is no way out of it, you are followed and hunted most the time especially with my one up. You see I am more of a hybrid species well that's what I say anyways cause I haven't met anyone that can do the things I do and yeah well it could be the simple reason I keep to myself most the time with it so I am not called a freak. Lets just say I do things others can't as in you will not believe what I am about to say. I can grow wings and fly, breathe out fire, control peoples minds by staring at them( I usually end up with a headache or nose bleed, but that's not a problem cause I'm used to it.), and read minds, so in a way I am a psychic, but also people describe these characteristics as dragons so I am a hybrid in my own words till someone tells me otherwise. The dead give away from me doing this is that my eyes become slitted like a snake and yellow like a demons, so yeah pretty much fits dragon.

Well anyways I have to get to the meeting place Alexus told me about old building in the worst part of town. Since I don't drive(long story lets just say fences have it out for me, also me and speeding limits don't get along.) I grow my wings and decided it is a great night to fly. When I get there I see the elevator. I walk in and go through the upper most floors to see the views( Yes to show Sarah to do something that usually ended bad for me at times.) the best one was one the ledge by the gargoyle that looked over to a man made lake. I go back into the elevator to floor eight like instructed. I just walk straight through thinking about the poor security tech that it has, it is in need of some serious upgrades. Through the door I hear Five Finger Death Punch playing so I know I am not the first one here. I open the door and laugh a little to see Sarah dancing to the music.

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