Sarah's Story Part Two

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Alexus explains the mission to the four of us. should be an easy in and out. i am supposed to distract everyone in the ball room where the party is being held while picking up a few extra things from unsuspecting guests(What? it's what i'm good at), while Fang blasts through the safe, and Noel has control of the security. If anything goes wrong Tara will patch us up and we get the hell out of there. the only thing we weren't told is what we are going to go steal. as i'm thinking this Noel speaks up.

"What's the catch Alexus?" he asks. everyone's attention snaps to him. "I have been on these missions before, but why does the leader of one whole world want the top wanted people of the government to do a petty case for her? you treat us like we are doing a big important mission, but this is nothing. look at our home for now!" he pauses for a second looking at each of us. his eyes lingering on me for a second and there is almost what looks like regret on his face when he turns towards the screen and says  "Give me the real facts or I'm out, I'm not letting these people get hurt..." with that he turns and walks to the door out of the debriefing room. Alexus tells Fang to go get him so Fang gets up and quickly walks over to him. in the blink of an eye Fang turns him around and punches him right across the face.

I stand up as soon as he makes contact and am about to walk around the table to him when Alexus says

"Good job Fang that's an extra four grand!" i shoot her a dirty look, but she doesn't notice her attention is on the two guys who are now staring eachother down. Noel turns around after a second and walks out the door saying

"Hit me, put a hit on me, shoot me i don't care no info no hacker. easy as that and good luck finding me there is no way to especially in the virtual world." once he reaches a few feet Alexus says to him

"Sit down and i will explain everything to you." she sounds almost angry. Noel turns back around and looks like he's still not sure if he wants to go back or not.

"Just hear her out. this isn't for forever." i say to him so he doesn't leave. He nods and goes back to his seat. i sigh in relief.

"you guys are going to be stealing a powerful scepter for me. the person who has this in their possession stole it from me a couple of years back and i think it's due time to take it back. your mission starts at twenty-one hundred tomorrow night. i have left plenty of money for you to go shopping and get whatever you need. i will see you in two days." with that the screen turns black.  i begin to get up when Tara looks over at me.

"Hey Sarah want to go shopping with me tomorrow? i've been in need of some new threads." she says to me and i smile despite the feeling i get whenever i have to go shopping

"Of course. should we leave at noon?" i ask her and she nods. with that i head to my room to sit with my thoughts.

The next day i am woken up by people walking around the house. i groan and throw the pillow over my head, but then remember i'm supposed to go out at noon. i mumble to my myself as i get out of bed and walk well stumble over to the closet where i had put my clothes up the night before. i grab a black t-shirt then walk over to my dresser and pull out my undergarments and a pair of jeans. i'm pulling on my jeans with some difficulty when there is a knock on my door and Tara peeks her head in.

"You ready?" she asks and chuckles when she sees me jumping around trying to pull on the jeans.

"Hold on a sec i still need to brush through my hair so i look semi presentable" i reply then with a grunt i finally slide the jeans on and with a final button that problem is solved. Tara walks to the bathroom and grabs my brush handing it to me then walks out while saying

"I will meet you in the kitchen. Fang made breakfast for everyone." i quickly brush through my hair then throw the brush into the bathroom and make my way to the kitchen where Fang has prepared pancakes, eggs, toast, and bacon. i grab a cup of coffee and nurse it while Tara eats. i eat a few pieces of a bacon and a piece of toast, but i'm not that hungry. once i finish my coffee Tara puts her plate in the sink and grabs her keys. i grab my purse and one of the stacks of money sitting on the counter that was left for us.

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