Partners in Crime (Part 2)

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"Won't be long," Stephanie called from the bathroom.

"That's all right," Donna called back, pulling the Adipose pendant from her pocket and fiddling with it absently.

On another street, the Doctor strode from Roger's house. "Well, thanks for your help," the Time Lord said. "Tell you what, maybe you could lay off the pills for a week or so." A device in his pocket beeped and he pulled it out. "Oh, gotta go, sorry!" he called back as he dashed off.

Meanwhile, Donna furrowed her brow as a gasp came from upstairs. "You all right up there?"

"Yeah!" the other woman called back.

Unconvinced, Donna started toward the stairs after a moment. "I like what you've done in the hall," she said. "Stephanie? Are you all right?" She reached the landing and continued. "I wouldn't mind a little visit myself. Everything all right in there?" A confused cry sounded from inside and Donna rapped on the door. "Only me. Do you mind if I pop to the loo? Stephanie?"

"Help me!"

"What is it, what's wrong?" Donna said, slamming on the door only to find it locked. Stephanie gave a full-throated scream before the door finally swung open.


Donna looked from the bath, to the shower, to the assortment of towels, to what were definitely Stephanie's clothes on the floor. Her gaze finally landed on the open window.

A tiny creature stood, perhaps the size of her hand and little more then a blobby bit of fat with short legs, stubby arms, and a squished face. It waved from the window sill and made a happy little noise before hopping out and disappearing onto the street below.

Donna stared at the empty space it had been in shock for a moment, before running back down the stairs and out the door, trying in vain to follow the creature's squeaks. After a moment she pulled to a stop.

"Stephanie Campbell?" came a voice, and Donna turned to see a taxi driver leaning out his window.

"No," she said breathlessly. "She's gone."

"Gone where?"

"She's just gone.

"Great, thanks for nothing," the driver said, turning his light back on and driving away.

The Doctor, meanwhile, fiddled with his device, smacking it and blowing on it to keep it working properly. He nearly got regenerated by a big black van before he gave up, staring forlornly at the device. After another moment, the taxi drove past him, as well.


Donna closed the front door quietly, letting out a breath.

"And what time is this?" came her mother's voice, right on cue.

"How old am I?" Donna shot back, rolling her eyes.

"Not old enough to use a phone," Sylvia said, glaring at her from around the corner. She continued as expecting, bustling around the kitchen as Donna made her way to the kitchen table, nursing a cup of tea. "I thought you were only moving back for a couple of weeks. Look at you, I mean you're never gonna find a flat, not while you're on the dole. And it's no good sitting there, dressed up, looking like you're job hunting, you've got to do something! It's not the 1980s, no one's unemployed these days, except you! How long did that job with Health and Safety last? Two days, and then you walk out. 'I have other plans,' well I've not seen them. And it's no good sitting there dreaming, no one's gonna come along with a magic wand and make your life all better."

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