A/N: The End

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So... I haven't updated this story in months, and even then it wasn't regularly. Actually, it's basically been a year since I had a solid update schedule in my pre-college days. As I'm sure you guys have guessed, school turned my life upside down and inside out. I've been busy as all get out.

Additionally, I found myself severely unimpressed with Studio C season 8, and as more and more people started drifting out of the fandom I found I was starting to do so myself. Why did I want to write for a comedy show I no longer found funny? Why was I so invested in the lives of two very real people who, while teasing us endlessly with their romantic angle, never actually gave us any real pay-off? I haven't done a 180 and I'm not by any means bashing Mattory shippers--I'm still one of them and I still enjoy a re-watch of Naturally ever so often. But I was tired of writing and busy with school, so I put TTS on hold.

I'd come back to it, I told myself. Everything post 'Turn Left' was such a struggle and a slog to write through, but I told myself for completion's sake I would finish this story. Someday. I still had one more arc I wanted to do--a penultimate, highly modified rewrite of The End of Time, featuring the return of the resurrected Master and the long-awaited return of Matt's memories of the Year That Never Was.

As you can probably guess by that massive spoiler, I won't be writing it.

As I drifted out of both the Studio C and Doctor Who fandoms by simple lack of time, the plans I had for that arc started fading. My passion was gone. Weeks went by were I didn't even touch my laptop. I, the writer, couldn't write. It wasn't even writer's block--it was worse than that.

And, around April, I found my zest again. I found the passion I'd so long been missing, I found the ability to churn out pages upon pages of good fiction and ENJOY it again.

But I had found it in a different fandom entirely.

The decision to abandon the Chase the Wind series after putting a year and a half of work into it was not an easy one. I didn't want to leave you guys hanging, but I couldn't force myself to turn out a subpar, unworthy ending that would leave me nothing but a sour taste in my mouth. So I made the executive decision that, while I hadn't quite completed everything I wanted to, I was at a good stopping place. There are a few loose threads I've left hanging that maybe someday I really will come back and clean up for my own satisfaction, but that someday isn't now. I've lost so much touch with these characters I feel I would be doing them a disservice to come back and try to write them now.

I'm sorry for everyone who waited for the bombshell ending that I had planned, and I thank everyone who stuck with me on this 400,000+ word journey (yes, really.) If anyone wants to keep up with my writing, I'm currently on AO3 (Archive Of Our Own for those unaware) under the same username as here (doctortrekkie). Writing for the Fire Emblem fandom (Awakening and soon to be Fates) and having a blast doing it! You're also totally welcome to follow and/or chat with me on my Instagram (@ridiculousdoctortrekkie). I still get notifications from Wattpad but I will not be very active so that's probably not the best way to catch up with me.

But! For everyone who got a little bit excited to see this notification, I do have one more tidbit left for you that I wrote several months ago now. It was meant to segue into other things, but I think it serves nicely as an epilogue as well. I'll be posting it in a few minutes.

Farewell, my friends. It has been a journey like no other.

-doctortrekkie (aka Jimmy)

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