Turn Left and See Her Again

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Turn Left and See Her Again

(Turn Left: Part 8)

A/N: FIRST UPDATE FROM MY DORM ROOM WOO (pics will be on my Instagram shortly @ridiculousdoctortrekkie)

Matt thought he had escaped unseen, but the blonde woman hardly had a chance to respond before Donna poked her head out the door. "Matt? Where are you—who are you?"

The blonde looked the redhead up and down. "Donna Noble, I presume," she said coolly.

"Sorry, and you are...?"

"She never says," Matt told Donna dully. "Go back inside."

"Listen, I don't know what you plan on doing but whatever it is, you're not in any shape to," she said flatly. "You need to come back inside."

"It doesn't matter what shape I'm in, all right?" he snapped, suddenly reminded of what had brought him down from the hill in the first place, though it felt like years ago. "The stars are going out."

Donna muttered something that sounded remarkably like, "Knew Granddad shouldn't have given you that drink," before saying, "What are you on about?"

"We can explain on the way," the woman interjected. As Matt shot her a glance, she explained, "I think we need both of you."

Matt didn't have any energy left to be surprised by that.


The woman did most of the explaining to Donna inside a jeep she said was from UNIT. Matt only gave the black-uniformed soldiers with red berets—UNIT officers—the barest of glances before slumping in his seat and falling silent.

Donna, too, seemed to tired to be surprised. With everything that had happened lately, the thought of aliens no longer fazed her.

The one thing that did surprise him was that the woman revealed that Donna, too, had apparently traveled with the Doctor, though not exactly concurrently with Matt and Mallory. She didn't explain what she meant by 'not exactly concurrently.'

They finally arrived in what could have been a massive warehouse, but it was filled with things that warehouses didn't usually contain. A massive circle of mirrors taller than his head was on one side and UNIT soldiers scurried around like ants. The blonde woman led the way through the maze, stopping by a woman who saluted her.


"I told you, don't salute," their mysterious friend said with a sigh, moving to a large computer console.

"Well,if you're not going to tell us your name," the UNIT woman said.

"What,you don't know either?" Matt heard himself say.

"Crossed too many different realities," the blonde said. "Trust me, the wrong word in the wrong place can change an entire causal nexus."

"She talks like that," the UNIT woman said. "A lot. You must be Mr. Meese, and...?" She lifted her brows in Donna's direction.

"Donna. Donna Noble."

"And just Matt," he added.

"Captain Erisa Magambo," the UNIT woman introduced herself. "Thank you for this."

"For what?" Matt asked as Magambo shook his hand. "I don't even know why I'm here."

"Is it awake?" the blonde asked before he got an answer.

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