The Sontaran Stratagem (Part 4)

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Above the planet, Rattigan stood onthe Sontaran ship, staring down at the Earth below.

"War can never come too soon," Staal said, joining him. "Take your last look, boy."

"It was never big enough for me," Rattigan said coldly.

"I like your ambition," the Sontaran answered.

"That doctor, he was in a UNIT jeep, should have ATMOS installed," Rattigan said after a moment.

"You said you didn't know his name!" Staal accused.

"I don't," Rattigan said. "He just said 'doctor.' Does that mean something?"

"There is an enemy of the Sontarans known as the Doctor. A face-changer."

"Do you mean he's alien too?"

Bitterly, Staal said, "Legend says he led the battle in the Last Great Time war. The finest war in history and we weren't allowed to be a part of it. Oh, but this is excellent! The Last of the Time Lords will die, at the hands of the Sontaran Empire, in the ruins of his precious Earth!"


"Greyhound 40 to Trap 1, repeat, can you hear me?" the Doctor snapped into the radio as Ross sped down the road.

"Why's it not working?"

"Must be the Sontarans. If they can trace that, then they can isolate the ATMOS."

"Turn left."

"Try going right!"

"It said left."

"I know!" the Time Lord exclaimed. "So go right!"

Ross yanked on the wheel, but it did no good. "I've got no control, it's driving itself! It won't stop!" The Doctor pulled out his sonic and Ross yanked on the door. "The doors are locked!"

The Time Lord groaned. "It's deadlocked, I can't stop it!"

"Turn left," the sat-nav said, before the vehicle swerved.

"The sat-nav's just a box, wired through the whole car!" the Doctor said as the jeep swerved again, this time going off the road.

"We're headed for the river!"

"ATMOS!" the Doctor said, thinking quickly. "You're programmed to contradict my orders?"

"Confirmed," it answered.

"Anything I say, you'd ignore it?" he prodded.


"Then drive into the river! I order you to drive into the river! Do it! Drive into the river!"

The car slammed to a halt, inches from the bank. Ross and the Doctor threw open the doors, bolting away.

"Turn right... left... right... left, right, left right—"

"Get down!"

They flung themselves to the ground, covering their heads, and a moment later the ATMOS quieted, sparking twice before falling completely silent.

"Oh, was that it?"

They weren't far from Donna's house by then—a brisk walk had them there in a few minutes. The ginger woman opened the door, staring at him for a long moment.

The Doctor stared back. "You would not believe the day I'm having." Donna followed him out to the family car, while he dropped to the pavement, examining the ATMOS device underneath. "Here, Donna, give me your phone," he said, punching in a number. "That's Mallory. Catch her up on what's going on."

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