The Poison Sky (Part 1)

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The Poison Sky

(Originally: 04x05, 'The Poison Sky'; aired May 3, 2008)

It was Sylvia Noble, of all people, who saved the day. Wilf covered his face as ax met windshield, glass shattering and letting the white smoke in the car dissipate.

"Well don't just stand there! Get him out!"

"Thanks," Wilf said, breathing hard as he set foot on pavement again.

"I can't believe you've got an axe," Donna told her mother.

"Burglars!" Sylvia exclaimed.

"Get inside the house," the Doctor said, ushering them towards the door. "Just try and close off the doors and windows."

"Doctor!" Ross said from the window from an old black cab. "This is all I could find that hasn't got ATMOS."

"Donna, you coming?" the Doctor called over his shoulder as he darted toward the vehicle.

"Yeah!" she called back.

"Donna!" Sylvia exclaimed. "Don't go! Look what happens every time that Doctor appears! Stay with us, please."

"You go my darling!" Wilf encouraged her, and Donna started toward the cab.

"Dad!" Sylvia said.

"Don't listen to her!" he continued. "You go with the Doctor! That's my girl!" He waved as Donna slammed the door and Ross took off. "Bye..."

No one spoke much until they arrived back at the factory. "Ross, look after yourself," the Doctor said as he clambered out of the cab. "Get inside the building."

"Will do," Ross answered, picking up his radio. "Greyhound 40 to Trap 1, I have just returned the Doctor to base safe and sound, over."


"What have we got?" Mace demanded as he strode into the field base.

"ATMOS is running wild sir, it can't be stopped," said a woman by the name of Captain Price from her seat in front of one of the monitors. "It's everywhere. The whole planet."

Meanwhile, a Sontaran operative under the guise of one of their own slipped into the room, finding it all too easy to slip in with a password the real woman knew. It took moments for the clone to get what she needed, putting it on her phone and sliding away from the desk without drawing an ounce of suspicion, stepping outside just long enough to maintain her illusion.

"Success," Commander Skorr said on the ship above. "The operative has the necessary information."

"Good work for a female," Staal answered. "Now she must be protected."

"I will prepare an attack squad," Skorr said, marching off.

"This is it, isn't it?" Rattigan said, a gleam in his eye. "Oh man, this is war!"

"How does it feel, boy?" Staal asked.


Below, Ross's voice came over the UNIT intercoms."Greyhound 40 to Trap 1, I have just returned the Doctor to base safe and sound, over."

"Trap 1 received, over," Mace answered.

It was then—and only then—that Mace saw Mallory burst into the room. "Message from the Doctor, sir, he says Code Red Sontaran."

Mace did well hiding the flicker in his voice as he reached for the radio again. "All troops, Code Red Sontaran. Code Red Sontaran."


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