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(Original Interlude)

It was three days—and six months—before Mark called Donna.

He found the typical time traveler's disconnect flood over him as he stepped into Wester Drumlins, knowing in his head it there would not be dust and insects in it when it had only been three days since it had last had him stepping foot in it, even if he himself was six months older than when he'd been in it last.

"So," Cyndi said, her voice startling him. "This is it."

"So it is," he replied, trying to ignore the clench in his heart. He knew what came so very soon after this, and even if he'd spent the last six months with her putting it off, he couldn't avoid it forever.

"It's lovely," she said as they trailed through the halls of Wester Drumlins, her hand clasped loosely in his. He lifted it to his face, pressing his lips to her knuckles.

"Not as lovely as you," he murmured. She chuckled lightly and he caught a wave of affection from her as her cheeks pinked. "In all serious, I would almost consider buying the place back when I get back to the future if it wasn't in London. Oh, Back to the Future, that's something we'll have to watch."

"Your quest to take me through the nuances of twenty-first century humor is often more amusing than the humor itself," Cyndi told him.

"I'm going to choose to take that as a compliment," Mark replied.

"It was."

They stopped in the kitchen, Cyndi leaning her against the kitchen counters. He didn't quite dare look her in the eyes. "Do you want—" he started, gesturing toward the fridge.

"Mark," she said softly.

"Right," he said.

"I need to go," she continued.

"I know."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Six months of his life with her, traveling through space and time, but this was something he was very much not ready for. "I don't blame you."

"I know," she echoed him. She glanced away. "I suppose... there's no time like the present... which is a rather ironic phrase for a time traveler—"

He cut her off with a tiny, tender kiss, then pulled back with a deep breath. "Go," he said quietly. "Before I get it in my head to keep you here forever."

"Please, like the thought hasn't already rooted deep in your mind."

"Not helping, Cyndi."

"All right, all right," she said, taking a step away from him. "I'll be back," she whispered.

"I know."

Cyndi glanced down, fumbling with her vortex manipulator for a moment before meeting Mark's gaze again. A soft smile graced her face for the last moment before she disappeared.

He stared at the space she'd been standing for a terribly long moment before he forced himself to turn away. The tiny, golden piece of her that resided in his mind stretched and thinned into almost nothing as sudden centuries spanned between them. He let out a breath and fumbled with his phone.

"All right, Donna, I've got a plan."


"You know, you could've just said if my presence offended you, instead of locking me out and never returning a phone call."

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