The Sontaran Stratagem (Part 3)

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"UNIT's been watching Rattigan Academy for ages," Ross Jenkins was telling the Doctor. "It's all a bit Hitler Youth. Exercise at dawn and classes and special diets."

"Turn left," the sat-nav intoned.

"Ross, one question," the Doctor said. "If UNIT thinks ATMOS is dodgy..."

"Go straight on."

" come we've got it in the jeeps?" Ross finished. "Yeah, tell me about it. They're fitted as standard on all government vehicles. We can't get rid of them till we can prove there's something wrong."

"Turn right."

"Drives me around the bend," he finished as he turned the steering wheel.

"Oh, nice one," the Doctor said.

"Timed that perfectly," Ross said with a grin.

"Yeah. Yeah, you did."

"This is your final destination," ATMOS intoned as a sign reading Rattigan Academy became visible. They parked, heading up toward the giant building set up on the hill. A line of students in orange jumpsuits jogged past.

"Is it PE?" the Doctor asked loudly, spotting one form, not in uniform, looking out over the hill. "I wouldn't mind a kick around, I've got me daps on." He lifted a foot and gestured to his converse.

"I suppose you're the Doctor," the form said, turning to reveal a boy who couldn't be more than twenty. It had to be Rattigan.

"Hello," the Time Lord said cheerily.

"Your commanding officer phoned ahead," Rattigan said.

"Ah, but I haven't got a commanding officer. Have you? Oh, this is Ross. Say hello, Ross."

"Good afternoon, sir," Ross said politely.

"Let's have a look, then," the Doctor said, darting for the door and not waiting for the other two. "Man, I can smell genius! In a good way," he added as an afterthought. A moment later, they arrived in a lab, with more orange-clad students clustered around various projects. "Oh, now that's clever," the Doctor said, specs on as he darted toward something. "Single molecule fabric, how thin is that? You could pack a tent in a thimble. Ooh! Gravity simulators! Terraforming, biospheres, nano-tech steel construction. This is brilliant. Do you know, with equipment like this you could, ooh, I don't know, move to another planet or something?"

"If only that was possible," Rattigan said stiffly.

"If only that were possible," the Doctor corrected. "Conditional clause."

A muscle in Rattigan's cheek jumped. "I think you better come with me." He lead them to what appeared to be a recreation room, with a swimming pool, various plants, and a large, very interesting square machine in the corner. "You're smarter than the usual UNIT grunts, I'll give you that."

"He called you a grunt!" the Doctor exclaimed. "Don't call Ross a grunt. He's nice. We like Ross." He peered around the room. "Look at this place."

"What exactly do you want?" Rattigan snapped.

"I was just thinking," the Doctor said. "What a responsible eighteen year old. Inventing zero carbon cars? Saving the world."

"Takes a man with vision," Rattigan said stiffly.

"Mm, blinkered vision," the Doctor said. "Because ATMOS means more people driving. More cars, more petrol. End result, the oil's going to run out faster than ever. The ATMOS system could make things worse."

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