Pieces Falling Into Place (Epilogue)

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Pieces Falling Into Place


Despite Mark's eagerness to flee, it was a solid half an hour before the TARDIS landed. Donna had come by again to disconnect Mallory's IVs and put her under strict orders to drink as much water as she could, at which point Matt had left to grab a bite to eat. Thus, with no one to tell her not to, Mallory crept out of bed when she felt the smaller-than-usual thump.

Her baby was fine—she had had the living proof of that in front of her since she was only a few months into the Year That Never Was. For once, it seemed like the world stretched out in front of her instead of behind her.

But would it really all be okay in the end?

That remained to be seen.

"What are you doing?"

Matt's voice, an octave higher than usual, reached her before she stepped into the console room proper. Purposefully obtuse, she answered, "Do you really think I'm going to let Mark leave on that note?"

From the ramp, he shot her a heavy glance. "That's not what I mean and you know it."

"Matt, I'm fine," she said, taking note that the console room—so full such a short time ago—contained only the two of them. "Besides, don't tell me you're not investigating what they're all up to yourself."

"I'm not the one who should be in bed."

"If we're going to make this work, you're going to have to admit sometimes that I am right and you are wrong," she said breezily, heading for the door. "More than sometimes, actually."

"Really, is that how it works?"

"Happy wife, happy life," she shot back. She watched him pause, trying to process that statement, and took advantage of his momentary distraction to slip past him and open the door.

"Impossible woman," he muttered, hurrying after her.

She saw the Doctor first, his slim form recognizable even from behind. Donna flanked him, and she could make out Mark and Cyndi over the redhead's shoulder. It was the last figures that gave her pause, one half-turned so as to be unrecognizable, the other simply a pair of arms wrapped tightly around the Doctor's neck.

Before she could finish processing, the Time Lord turned back toward them, likely having heard the TARDIS door open. Three others followed suit, but her eyes glossed over them as she locked on the woman who had been hugging the Doctor.

Mallory stared at herself.

Herself stared back.

Her breath caught, taking in the differences with both calculation and awe. As Matt drew in a gasp behind her, the realization caught up that this was Mark's timeline. The Mallory before her was distinctly older, crow's feet lining her eyes and hair that was now blonde traded out for gray-streaked brown. She had tears brimming in the corners of her eyes but a smile that could still light up the room—one that only grew as the last person in the group slung his arm over her shoulders.

The older Matt had somehow aged just as gracefully, still bearing a grin and a twinkle in his eyes. Beneath it, though, Mallory caught a glimpse of something her Matt didn't quite yet possess. Two words popped into her head, staring at this future version of the love of her life—settled and content.

In the same instant, both Mallorys stared back at their respective Matts. Mark bent his head slightly, whispering something to Cyndi before reaching down and squeezing her hand. Donna muttered something the younger Matt and Mallory couldn't hear, and the Doctor twirled his finger before pointing back to the TARDIS—a clear gesture of go back inside.

The small smile on the Time Lord's face belayed any hint of the Oncoming Storm, but the movement was firm enough to say they couldn't linger in this place with two versions of themselves. Mallory ducked her head in acknowledgment, about to do as he bid when her gaze was drawn back to the slight movement of the older Matt.

He winked.

Her Matt must have seen it to, because his nod was clearly directed to his future self, not to the Doctor. Without a moment of hesitation, he slipped his arm around Mallory's waist and nudged her back toward the TARDIS.

It didn't need to be spelled out any clearer, she thought as the door swung shut behind them.

It all worked out in the end.

Matt and Mallory had seen the proof of it firsthand.


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