Chapter Nineteen: Nightmare

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The reverberating echo of the blaring thunder still loitering inside my eardrums, that made the sound of the loud raindrops earlier, faint, or so I thought.

The moment I opened my eyes, the scene did not match the surrounding I was before. It is much darker now, the depressing view of the withered garden is now out of sight as an exchange to a four, tall cold walls around.


The violent sound of the rain become filtered inside the room I am in, causing it to sound faint. I looked around, on the other side of the room stood a huge wall size window adorned with thick black curtains on both sides. The view outside the window can be seen, it gave me a gist of what it looks like outside.

An astounding beautiful view of raging storm obstructed the beautiful mountain on the horizon. It is a kind of beauty that would make oneself get drunk into melancholy of the masterpiece.



Once again, I closed my eyes at the blazing luminosity of the lightning. The thunder does not sound that loud but the sound still scares me. Whether the fear comes from the loneliness or the loud sound, it does not matter.

I slowly open my eyes, but when I did, I feel like a spectator in a movie. I am not exactly watching from a flat screen on the movie screen, rather, I am inside the movie itself. There in my view, I can see a woman who look exactly like me, or not. She is not a different person but me, a little older version of me, sitting on the ragged floor holding a young child.

I am watching myself the way I watch a movie shoot.

The adorable little child younger as two to three years old, stared at the person holding him with a confused worried look. The woman who look just like me is repressing herself from crying loudly, but the unstoppable tears start to flow down her cheeks like a river.

"Mommy's crying..."

My heart feel a strumming pain inside my chest while watching the both of them in that kind of situation. I feel an extreme pity towards them, but why do I feel a pain the way like I was the one experiencing it?

Maybe it is because the girl is me.

"Why you sad?"

The child's eyes are staring at the woman, in knotted forehead. She wiped the tears from her cheeks and look at her child.

"Do you love mommy?"

"Yes! I wuv mommy so mwuch!"

"I am just so happy that you love mommy, that's why I am crying"

"No, yow lywin, you sawd"

The child pouted his mouth as he try to stand his ground despite of his very young age.

"My bright baby"

A stream of tears start to flow on her cheeks but she once again wiped it using her both palms.

"My little baby, behave here, mommy just gonna take care of something, okay?"

The child dazed at her and nod his head gently. She then hugged him before she stood up and look around the room. In a steady pace, she reached a cabinet filled with different bags, from small size to huge travel size ones.

She picked a huge, black, messenger bag which is not fit to use by a woman. She then close the cabinet in hasty and walk back close to the young child. On a huge bookshelf, she push a button under one of the shelves, the whole bookshelf move automatically including the wall at the back of it, there a huge vault was revealed.

The woman opened the vault like she was waiting to do so for a very long time. Before her eyes flaunt a mountain of a one hundred dollar bills beside a huge black cabinet. Her focused was not on the money but on the cabinet full of documents. She was looking for her passport and her son's on the pile. At the middle drawer of the cabinet, she found what she was looking for and shove it inside the bag.

She carefully arranged everything the way it looks before she went inside. When she saw that everything was back to how it was arranged earlier, she went on the mountain stacks of money. She went at the back side of the piles of money, a side which is hidden to the sight and took a pile of money, straight in to the black bag. When she was satisfied, she arranged it again to hide her crime.

The weight of the bag feels heavy but just enough fer her to carry single-handedly. I thought she was going out of the room sized vault but she did not. Her attention was caught by a huge painting on the wall inside the vault.

The painting was a beautiful masterpiece, there, was an image of a couple. The man and the woman in the painting was wearing a gallant Victorian era design clothing. The flaunting ruffled dress wrapped around the lady in the picture like she was a queen, while the man was her king.

She was lost, while staring on the painting. The lady in the painting was her and me.

I was astounded when I saw myself on a painting like that, but what surprises me even more was, I could not see the face of the man with me on the picture, but he sure is familiar. I think I know who is he, where did I saw that stature before?

Blaaaam! Blaaaam! Blaaaaam!

A sound of the door shrieking echoed all over the place. The woman, which is also me dropped the bag and stupefied because of the sound of someone almost breaking the door.

I looked at the door then back to her while analyzing, what was happening. I can sense horror and fear on her face as she stagger, picking up the fallen bag on the ground. As soon as she stuffed up the inside of the bag, she hasten to leave and close the vault.

"OPEN THE DAMN DOOR KENYA!" The voice impatiently shouted on the other side of the door.


Every slam on the door made both of her body and heart jump out in fear. 

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