Chapter Seventeen

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Imran Gavdasco Point Of View)

She really freaked out due to what he did to her earlier. Who would not? He was so ashamed of himself for letting his emotions get the best of him. This may cause to crumble everything he had worked on for. It is possible that Kenya, right at this moment, is having a negative perception of him.

He was thinking of apologizing to her for what he acted. He should have never done that to her, But how? What should he do to resist her, when her existence is just right beside him? He had waited her for too long. Now is not the time to lose her anymore. He would go insane if he ever lose her for the second time.

"So you must do something about it Imran. Do something about it! losing her is not an option. Next time, use your brain not your second head. Because of your corrupted mind, a possibility of losing someone dear to you arise" Said of the voice in his head

Today is Friday and she did not come to his PE class due to someone picking her up from her mother's office. A woman she knows asked the the school to excuse her to remaining classes because Kenya was needed to be in her mother's company. He agreed to it as the company was one of the major sponsor of the school. Imran could decline if he wanted to but he did not, it was due to the awkward disposition he fell into.

Frustrated on how he acted and Kenya's response to him, he could not think clearly. When it comes to Kenya, his mind could not function normally. He wanted to ask Kenya if there was a problem with her internet as he could not see what was inside Kenya's home. The connection was lost for the past few days now.

When he looked on her phone, it was located in an odd location. He wondered if the map has some kind of cliche. He end up scolding her for unclear reason, he could not just ask such questions, she would wonder how he knows such information about her. All he can do is get the information he needed without her knowledge.


At exactly eight o'clock in the evening, Kenya reached her home. Her exhausted body from walking a huge amount of distance, started to wear out. Both knees and legs were fidgeting uncontrollably when she laid her body on the couch. When she look on her feet where she could feel a stinging pain, she saw a huge blisters on her both feet.

Despite of wearing her most comfortable shoes, her feet still end up like this means that she walk longer than she should. Her thoughts of having a luck by Tessa picking her up from school faded. All she wanted was to stay away from her teacher, Imran Gavdasco, but it feels like she was being reprimanded by doing so.

Even Tessa wanted to drive her home she declined it due to unavailability. She thought, she made a mistake, she should have waited her till her shift ended. If she just had asked for some help she would not end up walking miles.

Earlier, when she rode a taxi, on her way home the car broke down in the middle of Hillstone road. Hillstone is a road which is surrounded by a two to three story high trees, it is accessible route but only few people use it due to its creepy atmosphere and its length, which will elongate the miles to travel, thrice. The road is only useful when there was an extreme traffic in the main roads as no one would want to waste a gas for unsafe road.

When the car broke down, the driver told Kenya to wait and stay inside the car while he try to ask for help. The sky was dimming, she was already in a tight position being in a scary road. Being left alone in a dark place as such would be unbearable, she could not afford that so she chose to walk with the driver.

Despite of them wanting to call for help, they could not because the phone could not pick up, even a slightest signal, around where they get stuck up. At first, she thought that her phone was malfunctioning since it was a new phone, but the driver had the same problem too. The location where the car stopped and the signal, unable to pick up a signal seems like planned, but when she look at the driver, he seems genuine. Her gut was telling her that its much safer to walk together a long way than to be left alone inside the car.

An awkward silence fell on the both of them, after walking for more than two hours. She learned the man's name, it was Gertrude Olsen. He has a pure american blood and has a twin, celebrating their birthday today. He told her that she was his last passenger today as he wanted to celebrate with his family. Although, it was not Kenya's fault that they end up in that situation, she still feel responsible.

As soon as Kenya picked up a signal, she told Gertrude as she called 911 to ask for their help. Aside from the car breaking in a secluded place like that, she had a bad feeling about that place. For her, it was an emergency as the road was too dark and eerie. Since she was still a minor, the cop went to pick them up, although they ended up going to police station for some questioning.

In the Police station, the cops asked the both of them a few questions about what had happened. She answered their questions in spite of exhaustion lingering in every fiber of her body.

The time when the cops asked Gertrude a questions about what happened, the cops told her that they will drive her home since she was still a minor, she must be home. The officer told her that they will question Gertrude when they have other questions.

She did not hear clearly why the car broke down but she heard that Gertrude told the cops that the tires popped up by something. Due to this, the other cop went to see the situation using the patrol cars. The situation seems more complicated that what she first thought.

On the other hand, Gertrude asked for a charger since his phone was dead bat. He wanted to call his family to inform them what had happened and the reason why he would arrived late that what he had promised them.

Kenya's heart sank when she heard the sad voices of a kid. Gertrude was talking with his wife through messenger, on the background was his two little twins asking for their dad. The look of his worried wife sends warmth in Kenya's heart. A scene of a complete family, a husband and wife who cares for each other, the children waiting patiently for their father's arrival, all of it was the thing that Kenya had never experience. The scene was lovely to watch but also painful. A thought that she would never experience such thing sting her heart, she could not deny the envy she feel. She wanted to experience the same thing but the reality would not let her, as a broken family like them would be impossible to become complete. 

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