Chalter Five: Memories

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As one of the wolves walked over to me I began to tremble as he stepped up on the cart only using his two hind legs as he brought his snout toward my face as he looked into my eyes.

His red savage eyes were looking for answer's...
Wondering why my friends and I weren't moving or screaming so they can feast over the limbs on our bodies.

The wolf howled as they jumped out of the cart and walked back into the dark woods. The cart began moving forward as it went up over a big drop as we grabbed each other as it began twisting in circles. The blood and body parts flew out of the cart almost hitting us in the face. I covered my mouth to avoid getting any in the mouth. But as soon as we went around once more I saw the deck where we had first gotten on the rollercoaster. We came to a stop as the loud static noise brought our attention to the big screen TV.

It was the old man that gave us the passes.

"Well, I must say that was a little harsher than I thought, but HEY you guys survived the first ride. However, this was just a taste of the real rides I have in store for you. The loud speaker will speak the time when you must get on the next ride. Have a horrifying time." It was suddenly cut off by a loud clicking noise. The rollercoaster began moving forward again as we came back to the dock as the workers let us off the ride. As I looked around I noticed we were the only ones who made it off the rollercoaster ride alive. Lucas grabbed me as we ran off the dock and ran outside as my heart pounded loudly against my chest.

"What the hell was that? He seriously just killed everyone on that rollercoaster ride. How is that even possible?" Rachelle yelled as I took a deep breath shaking my head. I released Lucas hand as I walked over to her and hugged her. She started crying as I rubbed her back trying to calm her down.

"But it happened, Rachelle. I don't think this guy is playing around about these rollercoaster rides. They're dangerous and they will try to kill us. We need to get through this and get out of here before they succeed in killing us." Rachelle nodded her head in agreement as I looked at the three rollercoaster rides that were still lit up.

"How about we split up? Each one of us goes on a ride so that they can't get us so easily?" I suggested as Lucas came over to me as he looked at his watch he tapped it as he looked at me with confusion. His watch had also stopped in time.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea. But if you haven't notice there are 3 rides left and there are four of us. So that mean's one of us will not have to go these stupid rides which isn't going to happen so Rachelle and I will go on ride two while you guys go on ride four. Then we will meet here and then we all go on ride three got it." Drake said as his attitude began to annoy me. I rolled my eyes as he looked at me with hatred. Drake could never agree on anything I suggested or even thought of. That was of the many things that brought us further apart in a relationship back in our junior year that still bothered us now. Rachelle pushed him as he shook his head.

"Knock it off. Seriously, Drake, can't you ever be nice to her? You know she is my best friend." Rachelle said as Drake laughed pointing at me.

"Are you serious? For one if you didn't notice she was my ex not long before he came into town. For two she lied to me to get to Lucas the whole time. She never loved me, only Lucas, she lied to you about her feeling toward Lucas if you haven't noticed was also your boyfriend at the time AND ABOVE ALL THAT, SHE..." But Rachelle grabbed him and kissed him cutting him off entirely.

"We lied to her too, Drake, so we have no need to blame her for everything. She brought us together Drake even though she was pissed at us. You of all people should know that, especially with what was going on with her parents. Give her some slack." Drake looked at me as I saw the softness I remembered back in my junior year when we dated...The nice and gentle Drake. But after Lucas had shown up at the school everything changed for all of us.

Lucas grabbed me and took me away from them as he kissed me hard and passionately. It sent a chill up my back as I shivered and smiled. I didn't know why but every time he kissed me in that sort of way it gave me an in sensation I could never back away from.

"Don't listen to him. It's not your fault your feelings toward me were more than 'just friend' feelings. He was going to do the same thing in return to you so he could be with Rachelle. He cared about you, no lie, but he always wanted Rachelle." He said as curiosity filled my chest.

How did he know about all that when I never told him about the argument me and Drake had over Rachelle? No one knew except Drake.

Lucas has always been a mystery to me and everyone at Pine Valley high school. His strange ways of always knowing things that have been kept hidden in the back of your mind; the way he lives on his own in a HUGE house that looked like it was probably around 3,000 years old; and most of all why he looked so damn sexy with those green eyes of mystery.

"I'm never going to understand how you do that am I?" I asked as he kissed my head and laughed, his green eyes showing the gentleness of how much he cared about me.

"You will soon, when I've decided it's the right time." He said as the voice of the loud speaker interrupted him making him snarl under his breath.

"It is time for you to choose between the two rides left on the stations folks, or if you're not afraid to get some blood on your hands than be my guest and go on each ride by yourself. But don't think that will get you out of here on time because there will be one final test. One final ride you must all ride before leaving. It's going to be a blast. Ha ha! ENJOY
life while you still can." He said as the music began playing as we walked back to Rachelle and Drake as they looked at us with confusion.

"He must have been listening to our conversation. We can't let him win." Drake said as he looked at Lucas as for a split second Drake thought he saw Lucas's eyes glare.

Lucas closed his eyes quickly as he shook his head. Drake always knew there was something weird about Lucas since the first day he arrived at school. He never knew why Lucas kept to himself or why he never associated with any girls that took interest in him except Rachelle and Peyton. What about these two girl's did he see so special about them and not the others. Was it to only to get Peyton in the end? He thought as Rachelle grabbed him.

I shook my head as the idea of us splitting up seemed to be a bad idea all of a sudden, like something terrible was going to happen to us if we did.

"I don't think we should split up. I think it would be better if we go together." I said as Lucas looked at me and shook his head. But Drake, as always, never looked so happy about the decisions I made or even thought.

"Okay first you think we should split up and now you think it's a bad idea. What's the problem now?" He looked at me as Lucas stood his ground in front of me. I was getting pretty upset by the way he always talked to me and the way Lucas was always there protecting me. I pushed Lucas away as I walked over to Drake so that I was eye level with him.

"Because, you asshole, if we split up its easier for that man to take us down but if we we're together we could make it through this insane place and go home. The idea just came to me before I had time to think it through, but now that I'm thinking straight I think we should stick together." I said as Rachelle came over to me laughing. She was enjoying it as I saw Lucas's smirking as well.

"Drake she's right...he didn't get us on the last ride maybe he won't get us on this one." She said looking at him as Lucas cleared his throat.

"I say the same as well. The girls are safer with two pair of eyes to watch them rather than one." Drake laughed out loud as he looked at Lucas and shrugged.

"Whatever." Rachelle grabbed him as we all made are way to the 2nd ride, the ride where I would lose something so close to me in seconds I wouldn't know what to do, or handle it.

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