Chapter Fifteen: The End Draws Near

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As I walked into the doors of my school I felt as if I was a new freshman coming into the doors of the high school for the first time. The way the butterflies in my stomach fluttered as I lowered my head walking past all of the staring eyes following me as I walked.
I haven't been in school since the accident and it was if this school was such a stranger to me when not even four weeks ago everything was fine and this school was like my home. It's funny how things change so quickly...
I went to my locker as I opened it seeing my boyfriend's hoodie and my best friend's books. My heart began to ache for them both as I reached past the book and hoodie and grabbed my notebook. I closed my locker as I went to my classes where I knew everything would be different without my friends, and well, my old life back.
I walked in my Economics class as I went to my seat in the back of the room where Rachelle and I would always pass notes about what happened when we weren't together. I shook my head as I laughed sitting down. I looked up as many of my classmates stared at me and whispered. I sat back in the chair even further as I immediately saw Lucas. His charming looks still stunned the girls even though he had only been here for half of the year.
He smiled as he saw me sitting in my seat as he came over and sat in front of me. He turned around and flashed me one of his devilish smiles.
" 'Ello luv... I didn't expect to see you here. Are you feeling better?" He said as my body began to tingle. I smiled softly as I shook my head.
"Yeah things are getting better." I said as I smiled. Being a vampire... having my parents back... having my boyfriend protecting me and loving me for who I am..., Well he doesn't know the full me yet.

"That's good luv..." He was soon cut off by the teacher as he walked toward me and handed me tons of paper.
"This is all your missing work. You will have the next couple weeks to finish it Miss Aerowoods. I assume you will hand it in early if you want to graduate in June." I nodded my head as he walked away as I sighed in frustration. A small chuckle escaped from Lucas's lips as I gave him the look.
"You know I could help you with that...since I have been around for a long time." He said as he winked at me and I smiled even more than I already was. I put my home work in my bag and looked up at the teacher as he began teaching his lesson for the day.
I stared at the back of Lucas head as I smiled getting a warm feeling deep inside me. He shook his head laughing as if he knew I was staring at him. I put my fingers on his neck as he stopped instantly and looked back at me a little as he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I smiled trying to move closer to him as I heard someone laughing beside me. I turned to see my worst enemy Melissa sitting in the seat with her plastic face filled with humor. I had almost forgotten about her over the couple of weeks I had been gone. But seeing her laugh at me now made something inside me boil. Lucas looked at Melissa as she fixed her long straight brown hair and smiled.
He shook his head shrugging her off as I laughed. When she looked at me with such anger it made me laugh. I stared back at her shaking my head. It was so ironic. Melissa had always gotten what she always wanted, and when she

didn't she would have a huge tantrum so her parents would make sure she got it. I gritted my teeth as Lucas turned toward me and smiled as his smile soothed my mood.
"Don't worry about her." He said as he kissed my hand again and I closed my eyes. But as soon as the feeling came it was interrupted by the annoying sound of Melissa's voice.
"Mr. Peters can you tell the little two love birds over here to stop kissing each other and get a room?" She said as the class laughed and the temperature in my face began to rise. I doubled my fist as Mr. Peters looked at me and shook his head and wrote something on a piece of paper.
"Guilty as charged..." Lucas said instantly as everyone looked at him. I also looked at him with confusion as he stood up and grabbed his stuff.
"I did kiss my girlfriends hand and no one will stop me from doing otherwise." He said as he looked at Melissa as I saw the color in his eyes change. I knew he was getting angry and upsetting a vampire wasn't so good so I looked at Melissa as I cleared my throat.
"Oh Melissa, just say it... Your just jealous of what I have and for once in your life you didn't win the game, I did. So get over it." I said as she stared at me, people around us laughed and pointed at Melissa.

Melissa curled her lip up as she stood up walking toward me as I felt Lucas try to get up but I pushed him back down. I heard the teacher's voice behind me as Melissa got in my face as the look in her eyes was nothing but complete anger.
"You never won Peyton...You never will. I will get him even if it means killing you." She said in a low growl that I have never seen before coming from Melissa. My hand's tightened in a fist as I pushed her away from me as she went flying over a desk. Her body crumbled over two desks, and she lay on the ground as groaning in pain.
Everyone screamed 'fight' as people circled around us as I saw they teacher trying to get through. Every pair of eyes seemed excited and happy but as I looked into Lucas eyes I saw a sad expression spread across his face.
Before the teacher reached me I ran out of the class room door and down the hall. I ran out the school doors to the back of the school where the beautiful trees stood tall. These were the woods where Lucas and I had are real first conversation.
I stopped deep inside the woods as I took a deep breath and looked around hearing nothing but the wind and the leaves blowing steady all around me. I sat down beside a tree as I looked up at the cloudy sky as I heard someone behind me as I turned quickly and saw Lucas standing there. My heart skipped a beat as he looked down at me and smiled.

I looked down at my feet as he sat down beside me and grabbed my hand as he kissed it. I took a deep breath and I felt the butterflies in my stomach rise as I pulled him closer.
"Luv...are you alright?" He asked as I looked at him as tears swelled in my eyes. I never knew why but every time someone I cared about asked me if I was alright I would cry all the tears that I had kept hidden for so long. He grabbed me into his arms as he held me there for a long time. Rocking me as if I was a baby in his arms...
* * *
After a while I had fallen asleep in his arms but as soon as I would begin to shut my eyes reality would slap me in my face waking me up. I looked up at him as his eyes were closed as he was leaning against the tree with his hoodie over us as I snuggled closer to him. He was still even more beautiful as he slept. I looked at him as I shivered a little as his arms tightened around me instantly as I smiled. I leaned up and kissed his lips as a smile appeared across his face as he kissed me back leaning forward and grabbing my body closer to his. He pulled back looking at me with his blue eyes which reminded me so much of Trevor's. It was such a strange feeling that crept inside me but I shook the feeling off as he laughed looking at me.
"You're trying to seduce me aren't you?" He smiled as I got on his lap kissing him passionately. He was surprised by my actions as he put his arms around my waist; I put my arms around his neck as I leaned closer to him.

I knew every time we got like close he would always pull away saying we couldn't. Making me feel as if i was doing something wrong...but this time I was hoping was his feeling about it was different.
The kiss went deeper as he laid me on his hoodie as he got on top of me kissing my neck as my heart began racing. I looked up at him as I slowly took off his shirt as he helped me in the process.
I seen the beautiful necklace he was wearing that had interrupted us the last time when I first came into his home. I touched the necklace slowly as it shined a bright red again. Lucas looked at the necklace as he was still on top of me as a smile appeared on his face.
His blue eyes turned green instantly as excitement filled my chest. These were the eye's I was used to seeing all the time. The caring and dangerous Lucas I loved so much. He pulled my pants down quickly as I wrestled to get my shirt off as soon as he had my pants off.
I looked up at him as he caressed my cheek. I smiled as I looked at the beautiful trees surrounding us as the magical moment between us had finally happened. Tonight was the night...the night I would be bonded to Lucas for eternity...the night I knew him and I would be together forever.

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