Chapter Seventeen:Peyten Aerowoods

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I turned around quickly to find a group of men standing behind me as I saw Lucas among them. I looked at them with confusion as the men circled around me. The wind seemed to have gotten stronger as the feeling in my stomach rose. A man with a cane walked from behind the group of men as he smiled.
           The man was wearing a black suit that matched his perfectly brown hair that fell gently over one of his eyes. I cringed a little as I saw Lucas behind him with his head down looking at his feet.
         I started to smile as the excitement filled up inside of me as I kicked, punched the men as they fell in pain. I was actually protecting myself from these men on my own...but I didn't understand how I knew this kind of fighting. 
         Kyle growled as he looked at Lucas. Lucas was staring at me with his blue eyes of wonder. He looked at surprised as I did as I fought the men off. But as soon as I looked into Lucas eyes and I was suddenly grabbed as they twisted my arm as the bones in my arms broke.
         I screamed in pain as I tried kicking the man off of me but he kicked me in the stomach. I groaned in pain as I fell to the ground. He held my broken arm as he twisted it again as pain shot through my body. Another scream came echoing out of my mouth as more men surrounded me kicking me everywhere. I groaned in pain as I felt blood coming up through my throat and into my mouth.  I coughed as blood splattered over my lips and onto the ground where the men stopped.
         I rolled over onto the grass covering my face as I cried. I wouldn't let them see the pain on my face...nor the fear that I knew I was going to die. But the man that had a hold of my twisted arm fliped me over so that Kyle could see my face so he could see the light shine out in my eyes when I die. The man sat beside me as I saw a pure white knife appear in his hands. I shook my head in fear as I looked at Lucas.
         Help me....Lucas please...

         Lucas looked at me and I saw the fear in his eyes. I looked at the man that would surely end my life as I heard Kyle's words that would haunt me for all eternity and death.
         "Peyton Aerowoods... I wish you good riddance." 
I looked at the man as he raised the knife as I lay there peacefully looking up at the beautiful night sky and I saw a shooting star shoot across the sky.
         I smiled as I closed my eyes waiting to feel the blade go through my heart. But in a swift second I felt someone hovering over me. I opened my eyes to see Lucas over me...protecting me from the stabbing knife.
         Tears fell from my eyes as I saw Lucas snap the man's neck that held the knife as the other men backed up. Lucas picked me up as I held my broken arm toward me. He looked into my eyes as he whispered inside my ear. Something I will ever forget in all the years of my life.
         "I will never let anything happen to you...even if it means betraying my family and killing myself in the process. I love you too much for anything to happen to you."
         I held onto him as he put his arms around me as I saw Kyle appear in front of his men his face filled with anger and confusion. He looked at Lucas as pain filled his eyes.

         "What the hell are you doing? You're ruining the plan...your ruining the future of you ever becoming king!" He yelled as Lucas shook his head as I felt his grip tighten around me. He looked at me as he whipped the blood from my face. He looked at his father with anger as I seen his eyes turn green instantly.
         "My future is with Peyton... Protecting her from you, and loving her with all of my undead heart." He said as my heart began fluttering as his father raised his cane to us as his men came to his eyes.
         "Then you shall die with are no son of mine..." He said as he turned away as Lucas bent down in attack mode as the men ran at us. I closed my eyes suddenly as I felt Lucas grab me close and he tugged me around.
         I opened my eyes and I saw him fighting the men with his bare hands. He went back and forth snapping each of their heads. I looked around as I saw more and more men coming into the cemetery with weapons and guns. I knew this was not going to end well for the both of us. I looked at Lucas. There were three men were at his side as the grin on his face made the butterflies in my stomach rise. He fought with such grace it made me jealous a bit. I turned around as a man came at me as I swung my good arm at him and kicked him in the face. He fell to the ground shaking his head as he got up once more running at me as I brought my other arm up to block him as he slammed me to the ground as he got on top of me twisting my arm more.

I screamed in pain as I saw Lucas look back at me as I saw fear in his eyes as one of them men punched him in the side of the face as he fell back as the three men attacked him at once which made him fall back onto the ground. 
         "Leave her alone!" He screamed as I kicked the guy, trying to squirm out of his hold as he smiled looking down at me. He grabbed my neck as he began squeezing with remarkable force. I kicked and punched him everywhere I possibly could but he sat on top of me making my breathing worse than ever.
         I looked at the man as my vision began to blur as my chest tightened from the loss of air. My face began to turn purple as my eyes began to flutter close. I heard Lucas's beautiful voice scream my name in horror as I began seeing a bright light. I smiled as the warm bright light touched my face. I welcomed the bright light as suddenly the guy on top of me was thrown off of me and the air quickly filled my lungs. I coughed as someone pulled me to my feet as my vision appeared back to me as I stared into Trevor's beautiful face.
         "Trevor?! What...?" I said as I coughed again and he touched my face gently. 
         "Shush...everything is alright now." He said as I looked behind me as I saw my father, mother fighting the men as I saw Joe and his men also running in the cemetery.
         "Lucas." I said as I turned around running toward him as he snapped the rest of the guys necks and jumped up. I ran to him and jumped into his arms.

         "Thank god you're okay..." He whispered as he kissed my lips as the butterflies in my stomach rose so bad I felt as if I was going to pass out. He picked me up bringing me closer to him as he kissed me passionately.
         As soon as his lips were on mine they were torn away from Joe's men. They grabbed Lucas and pinned him on the wall as I screamed running over to him.
         "No...leave him alone...he's my boyfriend." I yelled as Trevor grabbed me back as my mother and father came over to me.
         "Peyton...He is bad. He was the one who stared all of this." My father said as I shook my head in anger.
"No dad...he saved me. He was only doing what his father asked before okay...he didn't think of it until...." I stopped as I looked at Lucas getting chained up.
My mom looked into my eyes as Trevor grabbed my hand turning me toward him. 
         "Peyton he will be fine. My uncle will be with him at all times. If he's good then they will let him go but the Elders have to see that for themselves..." He said as I shook my head in confusion.
         Elders...I thought my father was the only elder of the vampire world? 

         My mom grabbed me turning me around as she hugged me. My father grabbed my broken arm gently as he began writing black stuff on my arm as suddenly my arm began glowing and the pain ceased and the bones healed instantly.
         I looked at him with confusion as he winked at me.
         "I'll teach you that later in your lessons, honey." He said while my mother stared at me. I noticed she was wearing fighting gear... Just like Trevor and Joe had.
         "I want to go with him know know he would never let anything happen to me." I begged as my mom looked at Lucas as Joe was putting him in his black car. 
         My mom looked at me as tear's formed in my eyes as she looked back at Lucas. She sighed shaking her head as she grabbed my father's hand.
         "Trevor...take her home to get changed and then bring her to the council...they will want to speak to her." She said as my father kissed me on the head as I looked at them with confusion. 
         "Council? What council?" I asked in confusion, but my mother and father had already disappeared into the darkness leaving me and Trevor, my best friend, standing in the battle field of slain bodies.

         I looked at him as he gave me a playful smile as he grabbed my hand.  I squeezed it as he kissed my cheek gently as a smile appeared over my face.
         "Let's go save your boyfriend's life and find a way to stop Kyle; the damn abomination." He said as I shook my head as we fled into the darkness where I would go and save the man I loved. But as we fled away from the cemetery someone walked out from the shadow's as he stared us down as we ran to my house.
         "Peyton Aerowoods..." He touched the ground where my blood was spread across the cemetery. He stood up as he licked the blood off his finger and laughed.
         "Enjoy the fun while it lasts, Peyton..." He said laughing as the darkness whirled around him leaving only one part of a ripped picture of Drake Livingston...

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