Chapter Ten:Meeting the old man

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I woke as the smell of bacon and eggs filled my nostrils deeply as I sat up slowly looking around. I rubbed my eyes as the memory of the crash hit me once again. I shook the memory away as I walked down the stairs to find my mother cooking breakfast.

"Bon giorno." She said as her Italian accent came out as I shook my head. I always hated talking in Italian but my mother didn't seem to care about it either.

"Good morning to you too, mother." I said as I sat down at the table and I grabbed my hoodie on the back of the chair putting it on.

It was quiet chilly in our house this morning for some unknown reason. My mother had always complained when it was cold in the house when she was drunk. She always had the heat cranked up to almost 90 degrees.

My mother brought over a plate with bacon and eggs with my favorite thing on it; ketchup. I smiled taking a bite, surprised she still knew how to cook. She hasn't cooked a meal since my father had left; it was like half of her was gone with my father, the part of my mother I always loved and cared so much about.

I looked up to find her cleaning her mess up and putting away the dishes as I noticed she was wearing a dress. A one piece dress that came slightly above her knees that fitted her body so perfectly like it was especially made for her. It was a very unusual purple that when you looked at made you look again. I shook my head as I noticed that wasn't the only thing strange she was wearing today. My mother was wearing makeup...and her hair was in perfect curls...not a single hair was out of line and the blondness of her hair was truly amazing.

"Well don't we look dainty today?" I laughed as she turned around smiling heavily. She sat down beside me as she touched my arm gently as she took a deep breath.

"We're going to see your father today..."
I stopped eating as I looked up at her as if she was joking.

"Are you joking?" I looked at her as she shook her head with sadness. She knew how much my father had loved us and never once wanted to believe it was wrong for him to leave us like he did. But I on the other hand I wouldn't let it go so easily.

"Honey just go and get dressed please, he will explain why he's been gone so long once we get there." My mother looked down at the table as I stared at her with anger. I couldn't believe I had to go through this madness.

I strolled upstairs slamming my door shut as I stared at my cell phone which lit up on my dresser. I walked over to it slowly reading the message.

*Luv, Please answer me. We have a lot to talk about, I hate being apart from you. Please just answer me...*
I took a deep breath as I slowly began typing on my phone...

*Okay Lucas, I'll come by your house later, okay?*

I sent the message as I placed my phone down back on the dresser as I walked in my closet getting clothes and got in the shower where everything was peaceful and pleasant. I had always gone in bathroom for many hours at a time just sitting there to get away from the stress. Sometimes I thought it went away, but it never did.

I sighed as I washed up and got out getting dressed. I blowed dried my hair making my curls bounce everywhere. I reached in my bag as I got out some makeup, including my eye liner and some blush and placed it on my face.

After I was finished with everything I walked in my bedroom, grabbed my phone, and walked back down stairs, at which point my mother and I went on a drive to a place I never imagined I would have ended up 13 years later.

Why is it when the sun sets the dark creature of the night come out?

As my mother pulled up to what looked like a billion dollar house; I stared at the house with curiosity.
She stopped the car on the side of the street and we both got out. My mother walked to the door as it opened quickly and I a man standing there smiling. She smiled widely as she hugged the man tightly.

"Oh Joe! It's so good to see you again." She said as I recognized him instantly. He was the man who gave me the letter from my father.

"It's good to see you too, Madam. Alexander is waiting for you, and your daughter." He said looking at me with a smile. My mother grabbed me dragging me in the house where I saw several large paintings on the wall.

Such strange paintings were everywhere in the house, paintings of many people's faces that I was unfamiliar with, but as my mother and I walked down the hall we both stopped at the same painting, a painting that was of my mother and me.

I couldn't believe how good the painting was of us. It looked as if the picture was alive somehow. My mother touched the painting as she looked back at me. I knew that instant where I got my artist abilities from.

I smiled as I looked at the younger version of me on the painting as I shook my head following my mother down the hall as we appeared in a large ball room. My eyes scanned the place as I turned around looking as I saw many people dancing in strange mask as my mother brought my attention back to her.

"Who are all these people mom?" I asked as she grabbed my hand taking me to where a large door was as it took us into an office where I saw two males who I sensed familiar things about that made me sigh.

My mother took a deep breath so loud one of the males turned around as he made eye contact with my mother and me. My mouth nearly dropped as my father stood from his chair walking over to us as his crystal blue eyes stared at us with happiness.

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