Chapter Six: Lost

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As the door opened we walked into the ride as we noticed it was a wooden roller coaster ride. A rollercoaster that had two carts with no protection of the two people sitting in it. No bars, no anything, except for one seat belt.          

"This doesn't look to good." Rachelle said as one of the workers laughed and unlocked each cart which fitted two people.           

The worker came over to us as he grabbed Rachelle's hand and began pulling her towards the front of the cart. Drake punched him in the face as more workers arrived suddenly standing behind us.          

"Do not touch her. Do you hear me, you sick freak?" He yelled as Lucas grabbed him holding him back. I held Rachelle as the worker laughed.          

"I am only here to show you to your carts. Rachelle is first and she must be on it before it starts." Rachelle looked at me as she held me tightly.           

"Why me? Why do I have to go on first?" Rachelle
looked at me with tears in her eyes as the worker laughed shaking his head.          

"Who said you were? You and Peyton are the first ones to go then..." He looked at Lucas and Drake and smiled.           

"Then you're pretty boy over here will too." He said as Lucas held drake back.          

"Shall we?" He said as I took a deep breath. We followed him as we got in the carts and Lucas and Drake got in the ones behind us. They locked them and they put their thumbs up and we began moving forward.          

The ride started going up as the wind started blowing gently against my hair as the cart kept going up and up into the sky. Rachelle grabbed my arm as she whispered.          

"I don't like this Peyton. I'm afraid of heights." I looked up as the ride started to slow down as Rachelle pointed in front of us. There was a huge drop. A Drop that looked at least 3 hundred feet deep, my heart began to race as the cart began to slowly push itself down the tracks as the wind blew furiously in my face.

I looked down to try and grab a handle on the cart when I realized there was nothing to hold onto. I looked up as the ride flew down the tracts as Rachelle began to scream. Tears formed in my eyes as the ride swerved over the dead bodies lying on the tracts. The cart had to be going at least 70 miles per hour as it swerved past big metal poles and past the big Ferris wheel. But as soon as we went around it our cart began to shake.

Rachelle's seat belt came un buckled off of her as I grabbed her arms as the cart swerved back and forth. I held onto her as she screamed in horror. I looked back at Lucas and Drake to find them also in a bad situation. Drake's seat belt had also had come off as Lucas had a tight grip on him.           

"Don't let go PLEASE!" Tears flew down my cheeks as I tried pulling her back in the cart as suddenly the cart turned a corner as the back of her leg hit the metal pole. Her leg twisted backwards as she screamed in pain.          

"Hold on Rachelle!" I screamed as I pulled her back in the cart grabbing the seat belt as I tied it in three knots and held her as she screamed in pain.           

The cart went underground as knifes appeared on the sides of us. All of a sudden I heard a groan as me and Rachelle looked back as a knife was in Drake's chest. Lucas's face was filled with horror as Drake cried telling him to pull it out as I saw Lucas tried pulling it out.          

"Drake... No! Please..." Rachelle cried out as all of a sudden we were at top speed again going around poles as more dead bodies appeared but as we turned into another straight path, things began falling from the sky.

Metal poles tree trunks and leaves where falling in front of us hitting the cart as a tree trunk hit me in the back of my head.          
Dizziness swept over me as my vision blurred and my body went numb.

Rachelle grabbed me shaking me awake when all of a sudden a metal pole went straight through her head. I began crying as her lifeless body lay silently beside me.  My body began to feel numb and dispersed. I looked at Rachelle one more time as my vision blurred and everything disappeared all together.         

I slowly opened my eyes a little to find myself in a car.  I look over to find Lucas lying unconscious beside me. I tried moving my body as dizziness swept over me again. I fell back on the seat as I looked up to find the seat pinned against my leg. I tried moving it as pain shot up my leg as i began to panic. I became light headed and once again darkness filled my eyes as everything around me disappeared as the feeling in my gut was nothing but guilt and terror.                                                

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