Chapter Seven: Back Again?

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As I slowly opened my eyes as I saw the dark night sky with beautiful bright stars. I tilted my head as I saw the bright full moon staring back at me as I sat up, I found myself sitting on the ground in front of the gate of the theme park. I looked around as no one was around me... no living person, not even an owl to break the dead silence; I slowly stood up
as the park seemed more cruel and evil standing there alone. It was as if it was staring at me...daring me to come and have more.          
I turned toward the gate and I noticed there wasn't a lock covering the front gate... just a sign on it that read          

"If you so seem to be freed of this hell of a place you may choose to leave but if you want to save your friends, you must take the last ride especially made for you Peyton. So I'll give you the choice I never had."         

I looked at the gate as music started playing and I turned to find one rollercoaster ride opened. The lights were beautiful as they shined down on me. I looked down at my hand as my charm bracelet shined beautifully as I shook my head. The bracelet Lucas had given me for my 18th birthday.           
I closed my eyes as I turned toward the ride and I started walking to the long red carpet that filled my soul with a deep pettiness that I didn't understand. But as I walked through the door I was suddenly blinded by a bright light that filled my body with warmth.         

I opened my eyes to find myself in my own house. I looked around as the smell of alcohol filled my nostrils. I slowly walked into the kitchen as my mother came down the stairs laughing.          

"'Bout time your home, I knew you would be over at that damn Rachelle's house." She laughed as she sat down drinking more of her bottle. I shook my head as I knew this wasn't real it was all part of this guy's plan, a plan to get me scared and leave my friends here to die.          

"Whatever mom..." I said as I began walking out the door as she grabbed me holding me in me place. I looked up to find her eyes bloodshot and her breath stained with alcohol.          

"Let go of me." I said as I tried pulling away but her firm grip was tight around my wrist and I knew she wouldn't be letting me go anytime soon.          

"You're the reason he left, you spoiled little brat." She said as I brought my full attention to her.         
"What are you talking about? He was left because he wanted to. I had nothing to do with it."  I said looking at her as tears formed in my eyes. I couldn't believe she was blaming me for my father's absents.          

"Oh, like you didn't know Peyton. Everything had to revolve around you. You had to have the perfect birthday party, the perfect car, the perfect clothing, perfect phone. Just everything had to be PERFECT!" I looked at her as she laughed taking another sip from her drink. I didn't understand anything of what she was saying it was unreal. She laughed looking into my eyes with nothing but hatred.          

"Do you remember the day of the accident Peyton?" she asked me as her voice softened. I shook my head as the tear rolled down my cheeks.         

"He left because you were arguing that we didn't have milk and you WANTED milk. Do you remember that?!? She said raising her voice.  I tried pulling away so I wouldn't have to listen to any more of this nonsense.         

I stood up and pulled away in anger. I was fed up with her always blaming me for Adam's death. It was time for her to know I was done.          

"You know what, Mom? Adam and I went through so much with you! Your depression all day and night, your constant drinking and tantrums! You never loved Adam ever!  You could never love him because he wasn't Alexander. But you know what Mom? Adam was more of a man than Alexander ever was. You're just mad that he made me happy.

Just because he never fulfilled your needs or wants, you had to make us miserable. You know what really happened the day Adam died? You died too. You hear me? You will never see me or hear from me ever again." I said turning around going to the door.          

"Peyton please...I'm sorry." She said as I shook my head and laughed.           

"It too late Mom..." I said as I took a deep breath and walked through the door. The bright light surrounded me as I felt as a weight had been lifted off my shoulder.           

As music filled my ears I opened my eyes to find myself at a party with many people dancing and drinking. I looked around as I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to find Lucas running toward me. I pushed through the dancing people as I reached for him as he grabbed me into a hug.          

"Peyton" He said as he held me close. I grabbed him as we kissed, tears formed his eyes.          
"I never thought I would see you again." I said as he held me close. He shook his head whipping the tears from my eyes as he shook his head.          

"I was more worried about you Luv. When they took you...I didn't know what to do. I started going crazy on the workers. But there was so many of them. They took you away and put me in here." I looked at him as I sensed his anger.         

"I'm sorry, I just..." All of a sudden the memories of the cart suddenly appeared in my mind. The Knifes going through Drake's chest and the pole going through Rachelle's head. I looked at Lucas he pulled me to the side of all the dancers as I took a deep breath.          

"Are Rachelle and Drake...?" I stopped as the words came short out of my mouth as he grabbed my hand gently rubbing it.         

"Yes, they're dead." I shook my head as I held back my tears as he looked around as two dancers approached us. Lucas stood up standing in front of me.  Lucas looked at them closer as he snarled.         

"Well I'll be damned." The two men laughed as one of the guys spoke.          

"How did you get here Lucas? We didn't send you here." The man's voice was deep and rough.         
He looked at them and shook his head. He grinned as I saw a side of Lucas I never saw before; a terrifying and powerful Lucas. The man shook his head and laughed. Their eyes turned red as Lucas covered my eyes.        

I tried pulling away but Lucas had a firm grasp over my eyes. I heard the man's laughter.         

"You think you can keep it a secret from her!? You can keep trying but it won't happen because we have found her now! Alexander wants her to know the truth."          

I heard Lucas speak strange words as all of a sudden the dancer's and everyone started to disappear.  I pushed away Lucas's hand as I saw my father Alexander standing before me. He smiled at me with his pearly white teeth shown and his unusual beauty that have haunted my dreams for many years.
                                    *    *    *

The smell of burning flesh filled my nostrils suddenly as I slowly opened my eyes as I found myself lying in the grass across the street. I slowly sat up as I heard a voice speaking to someone in anger. I turned to find Lucas on the phone and Rachelle's car was burning across the street with my friends still inside of it.          

"Lucas..." I tried saying as he looked at me and walked over. He closed the phone as he bent down, gently touching my face.          

"How are you feeling?" He asked all calmly as tears formed in my eyes. How was I feeling? My friends were burning in the car across the street and he seemed perfectly fine... Well words couldn't describe how I felt about anything right at the moment.        

"Lucas? What's going on?" I asked sitting up as I heard a low faint sound of the ambulance coming. He looked back at the car as he took a deep breath. I knew that instant that he was going to tell me the biggest thing that would change my life.         

He closed his eyes as all of a sudden as he slowly opened them his eyes was no longer green but a faded blue color. I gasped as he opened his mouth as two pearly white fangs appeared.          

"I'm a vampire...." I looked at him scared for my life. A vampire? But no things like that ever existed. But I thought haunted theme parks that killed your best friend and ex-boyfriend weren't either. But then again I guess my journey is far from over.         

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