Chapter Fourteen: Unreal Possibilities

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I opened my eyes slowly as my alarm clock echoed through my ears. I looked around as the sun was bright and hot against my skin. I slowly sat up as I yawned and looked at the clock. It was 8 o 'clock in the morning...damn...
I jumped up as I got dressed and quickly ran down stairs with my keys and bag and I saw my mother and father sitting at the table. I lowered my head as my father cleared his throat, while my mother stood up.
"Peyton..." She said as I looked up. I was extremely shocked that my mother had seemed even more beautiful today then she had been two days ago since my father has arrived. It was as if she was a flower blossoming for the great weather.
"Yes?" I asked, as my mother looked at me with soft eyes and grabbed my hand. She brought me to the table as we sat down and she handed me some orange juice.
"Honey we really have to talk about this..." My father said as his voice was a solid tone that I couldn't tell was mad sad or even upset.
"I know..." I whispered looking down at the table with frustration. I had so many things going on in my life; I kind of wished things had gone back to normal, where my mother ignored me, I was fighting for Lucas to recognize me and when I had my best friends around for help.

"Okay...we just want you to know we are here if you need to talk to us." I nodded my head looking at my father as his blue eyes stared at me with hope.
I took a deep breath as I scratched my head, shaking my head. There had been so many things running through my mind ever since my mother had mentioned he was the king of all vampires.
"I just have one question... Since you're the king of all vampires, does that mean one day I'll be queen?" The whisper in my voice was too low for a human to ever hear but my father on the other hand heard things like a bird.
My mother looked at my father as he closed his eyes shaking his head. I knew this was a touchy spot for them but I had to know.
"Yes...but there is a lot for becoming a king or queen. First, you must be from a pure blood line and when they have reached the transformation they are then in the running for it. The child must prepare for becoming the queen or king when the time is right or when the father and mother are either gone, or is ready to give the throne to there child. Whichever comes first." He said looking at me as I shook my head in frustration. Things just kept getting worse and worse.

"So you're saying I have until I'm 19 to choose if I want to be a vampire or not...and then if I choose a vampire...I must be the queen whenever you feel I'm ready?" I asked very slowly letting it all connect to my brain. Everything in the past weeks had been nothing but torture and depressing.
I needed to do something before I go mad.
"Yes but I would never put you into the place where you wouldn't be ready. I would make sure you were firmly trained by the best and by that I mean your mother and I mostly, but there are other family members willing to help." He said and I noticed his face was starting to lighten up a bit from last night's talk. Almost like my father was happy I understood what was going on. But there was one thing I thought wouldn't seem so important to me right away, screamed out at me.
"But what if I choose not to be a vampire...what will happen?" I asked as my mother's face became blank and pale. My father grabbed her hand as he looked at me. I knew that face wasn't good at all.
"You will become full human and lose your vampire powers in the ritual and live your full human life out. But there will be always enemy's of are clan that will want us dead for the throne. You will always have us and the family protecting you no matter what..." My mother shook her head getting up from the table in anger. I looked at her as my father put his hands to his eyes shaking his head.

I knew this had to be hard for them as well, but I knew my mother didn't want me to choose to be human at all cost. She didn't want to see me die as she and my father lived forever. If I was an adult as they were and had a child I knew I wouldn't want to see my first child die before I did.
I took a deep breath as I looked at the table. I sighed and chuckled to myself.
Being a vampire doesn't sound too bad...besides drinking blood. No one I loved or cared about were here anymore beside my parents and Lucas which all are immortal...

Trevor...A voice in the back of my head whispered gently as it echoed through my body. It made me stop my words all together as I looked at my mother.
"Do I have to choose now? Can I just try the best of both worlds like Hannah Montana/Miley Stewart would say?" I said trying to lighten up the moods. My father looked at me confused as my mother laughed shaking her head. I looked at my father with complete disappointment.
"Dad, you're kidding me right? You've never heard of Hannah Montana and Miley Stewart? That is all over the world and used to be one of my favorite TV shows when I was little, besides SpongeBob." I said laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair.
My father smiled as he shook his head in confusion. He looked toward my mother for help who laughed shaking her head.
"You're on your own now. You're never going to hear the end of this." She said as she went in the kitchen making some coffee.
"Well then I guess we have a lot of catching up to do now don't we Peyton?" He said as the evil 'Now you're done for' smile came across his face that I recognized from child hood. The smile he always got me to eat my vegetables and listen to my mother. It always works in the end.
"Okay I think I'm actually going to enjoy of this." I said as a smile appeared on my face that felt welcomed and familiar. I knew from here and out everything would get harder and more complicated, but what I didn't have before was my family which was a great feeling that wounded up in the pit of my stomach.

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