Chapter Eight:A New Beginning

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As I open my eyes I noticed I was lying in the hospital bed at Saint Mary's hospital. I knew this for a fact because every time my mother would disappear for days I would get a call from there saying she was in the hospital for alcohol poisoning.

I sat up as I suddenly saw the blue cast on my arm. I grunted as I looked around and saw an empty room; a room I at least expected someone to be there to tell me everything was going to be okay but all the friends I had actually had were now dead. The tears swelled up in my eyes as I covered them with my hands as I quietly began to sob.

Everything had went downhill since I had turn 18... my best friend that I had been friends with since we were 13 was no longer here to tell me that 'I'm a strong bitch and I'll survive', or never tell me the advice I needed to get through the day or just plain and simple.... Her not being here...Was undoubtedly the hardest part I knew that I would have to live with for the rest of my miserable life.          

I wiped my eyes as I looked down at the table next to me as I noticed a red envelope with my name written on it. I looked around as I suddenly sensed as if someone was watching very closely... as if they were observing me somehow. I slowly reached for the envelope as the writing on the letter wrote                                                

Dear My Beloved, 
I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but I just wish you would let me explain. There were so many reasons I didn't tell you that I was a vampire...I need to talk to you... Please call me luv.  
Love, Lucas

I smiled as I put the letter back on the table as I lay back on the bed. The whole idea of vampires actually being true was something I couldn't get wrapped around my head, I also thought things like haunted theme parks wasn't real either. I sat up and pulled the covers off of me as I stood up and found new clean clothes on the chair. I knew they were from Lucas because he always said I looked good in blue.           
I grabbed the clothes off the chair, got dressed, and soon after walked out to the counter where there was a lady sitting in a chair, talking on the phone. I cleared my throat as she looked up holding a finger up to me, but in seconds she was off the phone.          

"What can I do for you miss?" She said with a gently and caring voice. I held my breath for a minute as I smiled trying to hold back the feeling that emerged from the bottom of my stomach.          

"My name is Peyton Aerowoods and I am a patient here and I'd like to sign myself out." She looked at me for a couple moments as she looked down grabbing a paper.          

"Your 18 or above, correct?" She asked all professional as I nodded my head while she handed me the paper. I looked at the paper as I grabbed the pen and signed my name on the line below and dated it.          

She took my paper putting it in a folder as she looked up with a smile as her pearly white teeth shown, which sparked a memory deep inside me. I turned from her and I walked out of the hospital as the cool night air hit my skin. 
I lived in Atlantic City a place where nothing ever slept.

A place where there were bright lights surrounding us but there was always parts in this city where the lights never shine; places where the darkness would sweep over us sending chills up our backs as if someone was behind us watching.          
I zipped up my leather jacket as I began walking down the street. Tonight was quiet frigid, which was rather impossible to think when Atlantic City was always such a warm place. I put my hands in my jacket and I felt my cell phone in my pocket.
I pulled it out to look at it has the background of Lucas, Rachelle, Drake and I were all in. I stopped as I stared at the picture for a moment taking in the lamentation in my heart.

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