Before Knowing

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Started  Dec 11, 2015

The wind blows, shaking the trees, freeing the leaves from their branches. I watch them twisting and twirling, descending to the ground creating a carpeted mosaic of shades of crimson and gold. Landing gently on the ground only to rot and decay until life pushes up once again with the next spring.

My father's oppressive eyes sweep over my body, I can feel them burn my skin with his deep contempt for me.

I've learned early on to mask any emotion, any feeling I have behind impassiveness. That's my defense against him. He's the spider that tries to catch me in his web, I won't allow it. Instead, I put on an emotionless face, taking in everything and never allowing anything out. It's the best defense against him and his cruelty.

Watching Elliot fidgeting in his spot, the nervous energy coming off his body has him vibrating carelessly...his emotions on display for anyone to see. My father glances down at him a slight frown shadows on his face making Elliot clasp his hands together, willing his body to stop.

The knock swings my attention from the window to that old wooden door, massive and thick the last barrier standing in the way of an attack if ever one comes.

Standing behind my father and brother is my expected place I try not to yawn with boredom as I watch the Northern Alpha enter the pack house toeing his son behind him. My father insisting on hosting the future Alpha for a few months to show him how our pack trains and defends its borders.

Always he's looking for future allies for my brother, trying to create friendship so in times of need my brother has someone to fall back on.

My heart beat stops for a fraction of a second as I take him in. He's tall for his age with wavy dark brown hair that still has some sun-kissed highlights from the last days of summer. His hair goes past his ears, I watch his hand swipe the curly ends away from his eyes as he regards my father, shaking his hand firmly. He has a dusting of freckles along the bridge of his nose that hints at innocence.

He doesn't fidget underneath my father's intense gaze...impressive

Answering my father's questions nodding his head yes every now and then. I watch his father put a hand on his shoulder squeezing it slightly as the young male looks at his father with a smile.

"Alpha Shamus, Grey this is my son Elliot," I notice the way my younger brother's hand is dwarfed in the hand of this future Alpha hand, Elliot's handshake is weak like his spirit. I wonder if he can tell this of my brother already.

"This is my daughter Victoria, this is Alpha Shamus and his son Grey." I give my diplomatic smile to the Alpha shaking his hand firmly...properly. He nods his head in my direction smiling kindly at me, "it's nice to meet you, my mate was hoping to come here and meet you but she wasn't able to make it this time. Maybe with your father's permission, you could come for a visit to our pack." His voice is deep and sounds genuine to my ears.

"Thank you, I've heard such nice things about your pack, I would be honored to come for a visit." He nods at me studying me through unfiltered eyes, accessing the anomaly that I am. I notice no offer was given to Elliot and I smile inwardly.

Turning towards his son, stealing my nerves "Grey it's nice to meet you, welcome to the Eastern Pack." I try to keep my voice steady as I give him my firm handshake. I feel the strength of his hand squeezing my hand back, the heat and tingles creep up my arm from his touch.

He's the one that pulls away first, wiping his hand on his jeans. His pupils dilate slightly from the interaction as I see him inhaling my scent. His tongue darts out to lick his lip as his top teeth touch his bottom lip pulling it into his mouth before he releases it. I have the urge to kiss him.

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