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Finian's POV

Predawn whispers, the night still quiet but the coming morning is starting to prowl in steadily with it soften upward rise.

Cozied up underneath the covers that have Victoria spooned into me. Her body formed perfectly into mine. Matching pieces to a puzzle that is easily starting to form the big picture.

Taking a moment to appreciate Victoria's peaceful sleeping form. Her body relaxed, soft breaths steadily drawing in and out of her chest. Kissing the top of her shoulder, this feels so right. Except for the taste of her flesh, it's off balance. The subtle hint of decay that trails behind her where ever she goes now. As the pup inside her grows, so does Victoria's decline grow.

It's not pronounced in your face dying. It's the little ebbing of life that is starting to get noticed, the dropping of her glass from her hand that spills all over the table at dinner time. The tripping over her own feet is causing her to fall at times. She needs to sleep in the afternoons for hours after her teaching of the young. Now I piggyback her to and from the training center, so she doesn't have to walk so far. When I do this I can feel her smile into the back of my neck; it radiates her warmth that she's losing slowly, body becoming cooler.

A small bald spot is starting at the back of her head. She doesn't see it, but I do, I notice it all.

It's hard for her to climb stairs now without needing to stop midway to rest. Her eyes are going to the top step as if it's a mountain she's trying to climb. She doesn't say a word to me about this. Instead, she's treating this situation like every other challenge in life. Head held high, shoulders back, moving forward with a grim determination. So I pick her up and climb the stairs for her, setting her gently down at the top.

It's in these moments I see her love eyes looking at me. I feel a shift in Victoria, her attachment to me growing.

She shakes my equilibrium; my love eyes are starting to look back at her.

During the afternoon, letting her head rest on my lap while she sleeps, stroking her hair, so she knows that I'm here. I make my phone calls to the territories at these times, calling to see how the house is coming along.

I have a special surprise for Victoria today. I'm not sure how much time she has left, but I want to make it the best time of her life.

When she wakes up, she smiles wiping the little drool from the corner of her mouth, embarrassed. I just give her a smile and a kiss on her forehead.

"Did you sleep well?" She nods her head, putting her hand on her stomach feeling the pup inside her.

Placing my hand on her now rounded belly, no mistaking that she is pregnant. "Can you feel her?" Always asking if I can feel her kick and I can't, until now. Little vibrations from inside a nest that's harboring this life that is killing its mother, my mate.

"I can feel her." She holds my hand against her stomach while a tiny little body squirms and kicks inside with the power of the moon herself.

Victoria's smile of pride making her face transform into something that transcends feelings. This is making her happy, this life that is killing her is making her feel as if she is the most blessed wolf in the world.

"Praise the moon." The demon never far from my shoulder always slithering around in the quiet times where it's just Victoria and me.

"I have a surprise for you." Giving her a sly lift of lip.

"What surprise do you have for me?" Her mouth at my neck, kissing the mark she gave me. Relishing in the contact of her with a gentle sigh. The bonds pleasurable vibrations are strumming down my back settling deep inside the core of me.

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