BlamePOV Finian

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Blame POV Finian

A female with freckles and a dirty attitude sprawls herself against my body. Her stink saturates my sheets, her saliva like acid against my skin....

"Hey, wake up, you'll miss your ride." Nudging nameless awake, Sally on my other side presses herself into me more. Both of these females open up their eyes at the same time, one has brown, one has green...none ever have matter what, I can never get her eyes out of my dreams.

"Hey, they'll leave without you, Mary."

"My name's not Mary, it's Kim." Giving me a huff of annoyance, before getting up and getting her clothes on.

"You were supposed to wake me up early, now I can't take a shower before I leave." Smiling I watch her dress.

"Kim, when you get back to the Eastern Pack make sure you say hello to Victoria for me, let her smell you." The look of absolute fear crosses her face for a moment. I can see her hands tremble slightly trying to do up the buttons of her shirt.

She doesn't say a word, shutting the door behind her, Sally laughs into my neck, "You're cruel."

Whenever I get a chance, I love to send little presents back to the Eastern Pack for Victoria to smell...hopefully it gives her something to think about besides Grey.

Rolling on top of Sally, I try my best not to scrunch up my face in disgust.

Moans pour from her lips that grate against my skin.

"Shh try to be quiet." I hate listening to females voices, closing my eyes I picture morning glory blue eyes, black midnight hair...

Pulling away going straight for my phone, my interest in something more worthy than what was just underneath me.

"Can you change the sheets today." It's all I say walking into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. The waters hot, I try to scrub away their scent, it's impossible. A lingering filth has coated me like a second skin. I disgust myself at times.

Walking into the kitchen all the females are there jostling for position around Alpha Peter. He plays it smooth, never will he serve anyone, always letting them handle it themselves, only the strongest gets to sit next to him on his right. I've seen these females fight one another for that spot. They fight more with words than with fists, but it is fun to watch a cat fight every now and then.

Hair pulling, slapping of a face...sometimes they might shift into fighting form, that's when things get interesting...usually Peter has to take them by the scruff of their necks if blood starts to be shed.

"Finian, my boy. Come sit beside me." Waving me over, patting the chair on his left. I hate when he does that. All the males in the room always bristle with the insult from their Alpha. I'm not part of the pack but he's giving me a place that I haven't earned.

"I want you to run boarder patrol along the eastern territory. That wolf's been sniffing on my land, I need to make a statement." Watching Peter take a sip from a coffee mug pretending to himself that's he's drinking the hot brew. We all can smell the gin in the cup, no mix the fluid clear as water.

The phone in my pocket rings, taking a deep breath walking away from the table.


"Father." Keeping it polite, respectful.

"Thomas just shifted for the first time, we're holding a celebration, he's going to run with the pack for the first time. Your mother and I would like you to come home this weekend." He pauses waiting for my reply.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can make it."

"Fin, you need to come home it's almost been two years since we have seen you. We all miss you, come home." Closing my eyes, my jaw clamps down shut grinding my teeth. His words affect me deep down. I'd be a danger to everyone, it's best out of sight out of mind...

"I can't come back." Hanging the phone up, it's easier just to ignore them. Why did I even answer the phone...

Looking up moon glow eyes watch me. Lana tilts her head with a sad look on her face.

"You should go home Fin, your family will need you."

"What are you?" She freaks me out, always around giving me advise I don't want to hear. She has a fluidity of movement. Gliding around this pack, helping wolves with their aches and pain...She wants to fix what's messed up in my head...always putting her two cents into a pot that I don't want her in.

"Stay away from me Lana, I don't care. Stop trying to talk to me, like you know me." She takes a step towards me, our bodies are close but not touching.

"The moon's watching you screw up everything. You just can't see it, you're too young. But one day you're going to look back and wish you listened to her." She moves away, giving me my space.

"Stay away from me, I'm warning you..." Calling out to her, she doesn't flinch, doesn't stop no matter how powerful I make my voice.

The run is hard on all of us, Peter is an Alpha still in his prime. For all his partying ways and easy going nature, he still demands his wolves are hard, strong and ready to fight within a seconds notice.

Seeing Victoria's father at the edge where the two territories merge, stills me. He's an imposing wolf, midnight black fur void of any other color, eyes the color of green pond scum.

His lips peel back showing canines, my wolf's ears pulling back flat against its head. Peter's wolf stands tall, proud. Starting to pace, posturing my dislike for this wolf in front of us. He gives a low growl, a warning to say back. Watching Peter lift his leg he pee's on a tree directly in front of the Alpha which does nothing...what a weak wolf.

Snapping my teeth in his direction, his eyes turn towards mine. Does he know who I am? Can he smell me in the air?

Looking around, I try to see if his daughter is in the group of male wolves, no female is present. I heard what he did to her after we left the territory...he never whipped her but broke every bone in her body, as soon as she healed he did it again....

I wish she just would die...

Peter proceeds to urinate, confirmation of his territory. He's a superior Alpha, you can smell it in the air the more dominate one. I have to control my wolf, he want's to claim the land for himself.

A fiercely ingrained instinct tries to push it's way to the surface for me to challenge these wolves for their positions. I'm constantly doing battle within myself not to show wolves who I really am.

Once Peter is done with marking his territory, we watch as the eastern wolves leave. Peter nips at my neck, running ahead of me full speed.....Chasing after him we all run with the wind in our fur, trying to be the first ones back to the house. Peter and I are evenly pace, the fastest out of everyone. Genetics play an important role, we will always be bigger, dominate...just more...through our breeding.

My wolf pulls ahead of him at the last minute beating him to the house. Shifting with my hands on my knee's trying to catch my breath I wait for the rest of the pack to get back. Sally comes out of the house holding a phone in her hand.

"Fin, it's your mom."

"What." I can't hide the harshness in my voice. They need to understand that I'm not ready to come back yet.

"Fin, it's your father-" Her voice cracks, a sob.....

"Fin, he's gone Fin, there was an accident he didn't make it. You need to come back." Dropping the phone, I can't take a breath in, my heart feels like it's going to explode in my chest. All I can do is think that somehow this is her fault...if she wouldn't have been worthless, this would not have happened.

This is all her fault.

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