Securing A Future

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Victoria's POV

Steam rises from the surface of the tube, inviting me into it with a lazy urgency. Fin never specifically said how long I could take. Slowly, toes first, the hot water receives my skin making me relax inside the white bowl.

Cheeks start to flush with the heat, little beads of sweat trickle down the side of my face. Plunging my head under the water in a momentary of silence. The only thing I hear is my heart beat, but under that layer of sound is another layer, faint and distant. Fluttering fast, it's my tiny females heart beat. I stay submerged for as long as I can hold my breath. Raising out of the water I smile in awe, it's so real.

Getting out, I stand in front of the mirror wiping away the clinging steam. Looking to my stomach first, just a little round bump, turning side to side, I think it's gotten bigger in one day since Fin has been back. I swear I can see a very small change. Next my eye glance at my neck, it's going to scar. I guess it's only fair, I gave him a scar he answers back with his own.

Looking around the bedroom, my knives are all gone, every single one of them. He's left me with nothing. He's taking my protection away from me. I could get mad, stomp and scream but with him, that won't get me anywhere. I have to think outside the box.

Putting on a delicate blue dress, a few shades lighter than morning glory blue. My eyes should stand out to him, appealing to his nature. The material of soft silk has a high waist showcasing the growing life inside me. I french braid my hair, letting the braid drop across my shoulder. Using just a little pink lip gloss as my only means of makeup. I decide to go barefoot. This look is of softness, of the need to protect, not hurt. He can peacock his muscles around, I can also showcase my feminine side, to have his male side looking at me with the need to guard, to look after.

I will go to any extreme to secure her Future.

Entering slowly, looking around the living room he's there, alone. He must have changed, his new shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He's sitting on one of the comfy chairs, legs spread slightly, holding a towel up to his beautiful face that I scared.

Taking a step closer to him, I'm met with a low warning growl, he's not happy. I slink slowly, cautiously towards him. His eyes invade mine, his blood shifts through the air, I whimper slightly, shoulders hunching at the pain I caused him.

His presence has my legs shaking, wanting to sink down on bended knees. His steel look, angry growls creates an earthquake in my body. Another slow step towards him, his dominance is oozing out in thick clouds, my wolf is drunk on his power, his security, the protection he gives us.

His pewter eyes bore into me, I can't hold his stare anymore, I look at the wooden floor. Holding my hands, stopping them from trembling. Like a misbehaving juvenile, I creep towards him gradually, wanting an absolution to my crimes.

I peek up looking at his eyes, looking away again. If I was in fighting form, I would have my tail between my legs approaching him in a crouch position but I'm not. Skittishly, I creep towards him, until I'm standing in front of him. Dropping to my knees, I place my head on his thighs. Wiggling in, so that his knees are on either side of my shoulders, his legs are pressed against my hips, feet touching my knees.

He does another very faint growl of unhappiness. I press my nose into his waist, savoring the smell of my male, coming off a testosterone high. I shiver with desire.

"I'm sorry." I give him my apology, prostrating myself at his feet, submission on a personal level. An intimate level of mates.

Deliberately gentle, I climb up on his lap, pressing my lips to his mark. His hand is still holding the red stained towel to his face. The other hand is tucked in underneath his thigh, almost like he's holding it down.

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