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Finian's POV

Sleeping relaxed features whose eyes fluttering underneath long dark lashes. Her chest rises and falls with each gentle whispering breath she takes in. A smile highlights her face as if she's liking what she's dreaming about. A twitch of her finger against my hip. Her cheek pressed against my chest, my leg over the top her hip holding her as flush against me as I can.

She's had this dream before when she was a young adult female. Fixing up the cottage the way she wanted it to look. She even picked out the covers because they reminded her of my eyes.

Her favorite color in the world, my eyes that have given her such dreams of hope and despair.

She wanted to surround herself with the colors of me. Everything picked out in the cottage was for us. The small table with only two chairs placed opposite each other, so no one in here is above the other, equals.

Shame riddles into my entire being.

A small groan is coming out of the mouth that is now turned down in a grimace. A hand is going over her lower abdomen, another groan of discomfort before she completely wakes.

A faint scent of metallic blood mixes with the scent of our non-stop mating from last night.

The relief that I breathe out lifts the anxiety that's clinging on to my shoulders.

Thanks be to the Moon.

Sitting up, every inch of her skin has been touched by my mouth the evidence brushed on thick with teeth and tongue leaving behind fading love bites and bruises.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Her voice still scratchy from all the crying out she did during the night. Grabbing her hand before she can get up out of bed, completely.

"This is for the best Victoria, maybe one day." She looks into my eyes, the smallest hint of sadness behind them. Without saying a word back she gets up walking towards the bathroom door, trickles of blood trailing down her inner thighs.

The door shuts gently with a click.

No noise is made from inside the bathroom as I put my clothes on. Cleaning up the mess, we made inside this small space. We baptized ever square inch of this place with our glutinous needs. Nowhere was left without our impression on it. The floors, the kitchen counter, the table, against every wall, it was an insatiable hunger that neither one of us could get filled up enough to stop.

"Are you okay in there?" No able to hear anything it's as if she's even holding her breath.

"I'm fine; I just need a few minutes." Shaky voice trembles out.

"Are you hungry?" Waiting for a reply, this shouldn't take so long. I heard that it's over in seconds, it just hemorrhages out in a glob of clots.

"No." Her one-word answer has me understanding her needs for privacy at the moment. Part of me wants to go in there and rub her back to make her feel better.

My demon being eerily quiet, hauntingly horrific orbs looking out the window where a flock of crows has gathered. They look as if they are black robe sentinels keeping guard over the kingdom.

An unease tickling up my spine, the hairs on my neck rise as the demon smiles with a mouth full of fangs; the crows cawing music fills the air. Victoria stepping out of the bathroom as I crush an empty can of beer in my hands putting it in the box with the others.

"What's wrong?" Her face has paled.

"Do you feel okay? What can I do for you?" She's shaking, her whole body looks as if it could fold up on herself at any moment.

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