This Can't Be Fixed

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Thank you @MissFrankenstein for the great song recommendation

Victoria's POV

Walking into the kitchen, I stare at them. I can survive this, I have my pup in my arms and really that's all I need.

"What is it that you need to tell me?" I watch Meela slink off of Fin's lap, his hands let her go. She stands up facing me, Fin's eyes close just for a fraction of a second before looking at me, knowing he's been caught. My finger pointed dead center on his throat.

I come close to them, Meela moves to the side but I track her movements with my body. Blocking her escape out the door. One way in, one way out. I am the stronger wolf. I can take her in skin form, even in my weakened state.

Fin is another matter, I need knives for him, it would be the only way to hurt him.

"Tell me, now!" I want to scream it out at them but I can't because of the females in my arms.

"Victoria, it was a mistake." Fin's voice soft, spoken with regret.

"What was a mistake Fin? I want to know now...I want every detail." I can see Meela trying to slip out of the room, I block her from the exit. "Sit down, don't move." Stepping up to her, invading her space, body strumming with my aggression. It needs to be let out. My Nature has never been so desperate to crawl out and strike something down so much.

She's not my main focus, Fin is....he's my mate and he needs to tell me with his own mouth what happened.

"Tell me Finian." Shaking, fury is pulsing through my system.

Putting our daughter down on the counter, I don't trust myself enough not to shift.

"Victoria, just listen before you get mad. It wasn't what you think. We just kissed, that's it, nothing went further." A harsh laugh bleeds out my mouth.

"What kind of kiss was it?" I'm going to explode....I try to harness myself in...Every aspect of my Nature is going to blast out like a volcano ready to blow it's top...restraint is not my strong suit, I can't stop my body from shaking in rage. Growling, my chest has never made such a noise of pure loathing, even my father has never enraged me as much as Fin...I gave him excuse after excuse, turning the other cheek with all his females he's had. My excuse for him was what I did with his brother but this has no excuse, this was on whole different level of betrayal.

He looks into my eyes, "It lasted for a long time, our clothes stayed on. We never went further than a kiss." I turn to Meela who's face is full of shame. Saddening disgust rolls through me in waves, my senses are covered in the filth of what they've done.

"Grey loves you Meela, he loves you so much." I just shake my head at her. For someone with a smart mouth, she has nothing to say. I think that's her best choice at the moment to keep quiet.

"Do you love her? Have you fallen in love with her?"

"What, no. I love you Victoria... I love you. I just, I don't know what happened. One minute we were both talking and the next minute we were kissing, holding each other. It's just happened. It's not an excuse. My brother is hurt because of me, you, my child almost died. Meela was there, we were helping each other. She was looking after our pup, it just happened...I don't have an excuse, there is no excuse." He still staring at me with those eyes that have now lost their power to hold me.

"Meela, thank you for helping my mate," I scream it to her. My claws are trying to come forward but the pain of the shift makes it difficult for them to ascend fully. She's a very lucky wolf at the moment.

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