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Victoria's POV

The knock on the door is soft, almost subdued. 

With one final look in the mirror smoothing down the black dress, fixing any perceived wrinkles that might have formed from the last time I checked. The light tapping of my high heels across the wooden floor alerts my handler that I'm coming. 

Fin decided it was better if we just meet at the reception, watching him gather some of his things leaving me to get ready alone in the quite of his clean bedroom.

 Opening the door, smiling towards me is his mother looking elegant, her true smile crinkling the edges of her eyes. 

"Victoria..." she says it breathlessly as her eyes take in my appearance, "you're beautiful." Waving her words off like it's not a big deal what she says to me but inside she's making me feel good. Giving her my true smile that I hardly give to anyone, my wolf perks up, yipping in the air with the closeness of her den mate

Confused, backing away from his mother slightly, really looking at her, feeling that paralysis again that threatens to overtake me.

 "What's the matter?" His mother is looking confused at my flip flop mood. Her hand running along my bare arm providing comfort for some unknown anxiety that she can't understand.

 "My wolf likes you."  Saying it in a low secret whisper only for her ears, because if people found out that my wolf actually liked something then they could take it away from her and she really has even less than what I have. 

She closes her eyes, taking in deep breaths and the anxiety in me starts to grow, I shouldn't have said anything to this female that I hardly know. 

"Victoria..." another breath is brought into her lungs, "feel safe with me." Her lips trembling with a force of emotion that's rolling through her. 

"You're like my daughter now, think of me as your mother. I won't hurt you, I promise you." No words can be spoken in this moment because everything I want to say is spilling from my eyes. 

"It's okay Victoria,"  She's saying low-toned words while wiping my eyes carefully trying not to mess my makeup. Composing myself underneath her soft eyes, once again smoothing out my imagined wrinkles in my dress, taking a deep cleansing breath. 

"Thank you." That's all I can say no greater words come to mind, everything else seems inadequate. 

Taking my hand she leads me through the house into the crisp early night air. Soft light music is playing in the background as the voices of many hit my ears. Laughter floating in the air, with the smell of many different wolves that are unknown to me. A reassuring hand is on my forearm, as she weaves us throughout the crowd. Introductions are made, I do my part smiling politely, trying my best not to embarrass my new found light

The feel of many males eyes upon me has the wolf bristling slightly, she does not want any of their attention. Searching the crowd, I find eyes that have already found mine. 

He's in the middle, the wolves around him in a heated discussion. I can't help the way I let my eyes slide from the top of him to the bottom, like he is an offering from the moon herself. This magnificent specimen of a male looking like a sculpture of tight muscles that his fitted grey pants show off perfectly. A clean white shirt buttoned up high enough to allow a slight peek at a promise of a chisel chest that is hidden underneath the rest of the material. I can feel his gaze penetrate my skin, burning a line of fire as his eyes descend down over my chest, hitting my hips, it lingers on my exposed lower thighs, trailing down my calves.

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