Hope Is Poison

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Victoria's POV

Indecision, my thoughts, and actions are in a state of anarchy. Should I go to him ease his fears or walk away, leaving him with his dignity and pride. The subconscious barrier he's built has cracks forming, regret, fear is the most powerful emotions pouring from his heart. Overwhelming feelings that I can't comprehend drives my own fears into me. I choose to walk, closing the door softly behind me.

I won't take his dignity away from him or steal his pride. Under the illusion of his armor, he's a wreck. I can see his distorted feelings as if they are bouncing off a carnival mirror all ugly and warped.

I need to lean against the wall, closing my eyes. Hands clawing at my throat to remove the noose strangling my breath. This is his real feeling, his real insecurities. He hides everything so well, never would I thought this male made of thorns can bleed just like me.

Taking some calming breaths I straighten myself up, smoothing my clothes down, tucking my hair behind my ears. I take one more big breath in and blow out my emotions. Making my way to the kitchen I can see Becca with her hand on Judy's shoulder, leaning in whispering something. She gives her a kiss on the forehead. Their eyes meet and Judy nuzzles into Becca for support. It's a very private moment I'm witnessing. Becca's eyes turn my way, smiling she welcomes me in.

"What's going on?" I direct my question to Becca, she's the strongest out of the two. I watch Judy slowly get behind Becca, using her body as a shield. I try to make my stance as non-threatening as possible, I smile at her the way Fin does it. Trying to put her at ease.

"Victoria, I was just telling Judy that you guys won't send her away if you don't like how she cooks." Becca pulls Judy from behind her, to face me.

Of all the things that I thought Becca was going to say this was not one of them.

"Judy, I'm sure what ever you cook will be better than anything I could possibly do, I'm just thankful that you're here and going to be doing the cooking for us. It's a big weight off everyone's shoulders. I would never send you away, I hope you realize this. Your place is with Becca, wherever she goes you will be beside her." I watch as she nods her head, a tear leaking down her cheek.

"She was feeling insecure Victoria about everything. See Judy, nothing to worry about." Becca put's her arm around Judy, nuzzling her nose into the side of her neck, kissing her mark.

"Judy, what happened in the past is the past and I just want you to know that I'm so happy for you two. Becca is a very special person to me. I would never hurt her or you with coming between you two. I just want you to know this, I love Becca as a friend nothing more. Becca loves you, I can see it in the way she holds you, whispers in your ear, support you. Please feel safe here, and I would never ask you to leave ever." I go to Judy bringing her to my chest giving her a hug. Closing my eyes thinking how come I can soothe a stranger's insecurities but not my own mate's?

For this female, I have the answer to her problem but with Fin, I just don't know how to help him.

Fin takes longer than an hour and the food has been set out, the dinner table's full, extra chairs had to be brought in and the leaf put in, to make the space bigger to accommodate everyone.

Fin enters the group with a smile on his face, outward appearances flawless. I can't help but stare at him, not able to take my eyes off of him. I scrutinize his movements, looking for anything that will alert me that he's not fine. I don't find any, his armor is in place, shiny with the new polish he applied.

He moves around the room from wolf to wolf giving them what they need. He knows how to speak to each one of them, a hand on the shoulder there, a nod here, while looking them all in the eye, talking low in one's ear, laughing loud in another ones. He speaks with everyone, including Judy. Her smile is bright, cheeks blushing with his praise on how well it smells. Becca is the last to receive him, her face concentrating on each word he says. He keeps his distance, not giving her any touch or smile. I think I need to talk to him about this. Regardless of what she was to me, he has allowed her to climb through the ranks with her own teeth and claw until she has achieved the highest rank her wolf could win....I can see her looking at him as a great leader, they all are. I have really never had that look, more of terror in everyone's eyes....

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