Clarity Of The Moon's Mirage

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Victoria's POV

The silence at the table is complete; not a word is uttered, no agreement, no praise to my idea....

Even their breath is held as they wait for their King's answer to my thoughts.

Eyes of changing scenes keep mine glued to his, light tin to dark charcoal swirl with the emotions he refuses for me to feel.

Finally, they settle in his balance; I can't tell if he appreciates my thoughts or if he's repulsed with the way my mind thinks.

Taking a sip of coffee, holding the cup between his two hands.

"Interesting idea Victoria, we have much to discuss you and me, but for now...I....think...." He gives me a meaningful stare.

"I think that we need to focus on certain things before we go biting into another male's territory." With that he ends the discussion I brought up, effectively cutting my idea down.

So I sit there drinking my tea, defeated and holding my tongue with the words I want to hurtle at him. Once again he darkens my path, the barely flickering light has been blown out with his decision, leaving me almost as a newly born wolf, blind and deaf, floundering to find another path that's impossible for me to see.

Fin directs the conversation on other ideas of non-importance in my mind. I sit there listening trying not to suffocate myself by swallowing my tongue, I almost feel I'm slowly murdering my nature with repression and submission. The wolf in me paces, she doesn't understand the skin side of things, she only knows that she is the top of the food chain and why not take what you can.

I can feel her just under the surface, itching to have a talk with Fin's skin side. Show him who she is and what she thinks of this unworthiness.

"Victoria, stop now..." His voice has an undercurrent of a subtle threat.

"I need to speak with you alone, go... wait for me in my office." He doesn't even look at me, dismissing me with a wave of his hand.

Walking into my office, I almost sit behind my desk, instead, I choose to look out the window.

Fin enters closing the door behind him..he's faster than I think he can be. Turning me around, so I'm facing him only inches separate us. His eyes a deep coal and he's puffing himself up in an intimidating way.

"Victoria I never said no to your idea, yet you're acting like a spoiled child not getting that new toy." His hands are on both my shoulders, strong fingers putting slight pressure on my flesh.

"How do you think it will go with the Southern pack Victoria, we march in there killing everyone, killing Meela's brother?" Now it's my turn to regard this male; he doesn't want to take what can be his because of a female that doesn't belong to him. He doesn't want to hurt her with a brother's death.

"You killed my brother, but you won't kill hers!" I shout it out at him, pushing him away from me creating space that I need.

Reaching out... grabbing the back of my hair, pulling me towards him, angling my neck to his mouth in a very dominate stance. Letting me understand he is the ruler at this moment, not me.

"I didn't know he was your brother Victoria." He's shaking slightly; I think he must be showing great restraint.

"I didn't know he was your brother.....Fin..." His body stills, my hair is released. Taking a step back, he breaths out slowly regarding me. The truth that he was trying to tell me twists around and coils on itself only to be used against him. The look of understanding passes yet he doesn't respond to my truth.

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