chapter 6- You Haven't Called Him

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You haven't called him

Its currently been about 3 days. I haven't called him. I haven't talked to anyone for that matter. My grandmas sick and i don't know what to do. I've been taking care of her i haven't had anytime to think about other things.

You haven't called him

Im beating myself up over this. I shouldn't feel this bad I have a perfect reason. It probably seems like I'm avoiding him because i don't feel the same. That's wrong though. That's so wrong. i like him. But i cant find it in myself to accept those feelings out loud. I huff loudly walking into Grandmas room with a bowl of soup. She's getting better she sits up now and eats by herself so that's a plus.

"Here gram" I put the bowl on a tray then into her lap.

"Thank you dear" she smiles at me. She's not better. I'm lying to myself. She can sit up but with much difficulty. She sounds like a mess. I'm scared. Hh god am I scared. I need to get out if here.

"Gram I'm going to go run some errands I will be right back ok?"

"Of coarse dear you go ahead" she's trying so hard to keep my hopes up we both know she's almost to her dying point she just doesn't want to accept it neither do I.

"Ok I love you" I kiss her forehead and walk out. I put my sneakers and jacket on and make my way outside. I don't know exactly where I'm going I just couldn't take it any longer. After about I don't know how long I looked up and found myself in front if Harry's apartment. What the fuck? Am I losing it? I know I already knocked as my hand lowers and tears run down my face. He opens up looking surprised at my appearance but I don't care. I quickly wrap my arms around his torso and start sobbing. Fuck I need help. After a couple seconds he wraps his arm around my waist and the other is in my hair.

"Shhh Skyla It's ok" I shake my head not being able to form words. He pulls me into the large apartment and onto the couch I'm wrapped in a ball on his lap with my head shoved between the crook of his neck. Little sobs still escaping my mouth. He rubs my back trying to calm me down and it surprisingly works. After a while I stop and just lay there.

"So do you wanna tell me why you just came to me balling your eyes out?" I laugh slightly and sit up.

"I'm just upset about everything" He doesn't look convinced.

"You know you at least owe me the truth"

"Fine" I get off his lap and sit next to him. He looks lost once I get up.

"My grandma. She's kind of sick"

"Well everyone gets sick"

"No Harry. She's dying sick" I feel the tears build up and they slowly fall down my face.

"Harry I'm so scared" my voice cracks. I stare in front if me at the t.v that's blank. He comes closer and wraps his arms around me.

"Is this why you haven't called me?" I nod my head. Silent tears still falling down my face.

"I understand. Tt's ok to be scared" What am I doing? I barely know him. We've known each other for a month now. I'm confusing myself and thinking to hard.

"I umm I should probably go" I got up wiping my eyes.

"Thank you for whatever we just went through I don't know what to call it" I flailed my arms a little and started walking out until I got spun around and lips crashed onto mine. He pulled away.

"Umm sorry... Yeah your welcome but can I ask you something?"

"Yeah go for it"

"Do you have an answer?"

"Yes I actually do" he looked at me in to say hurry-up-and-get-it-out-I-need-to-know-now. I looked him in the eyes ready to give my answer.

"Umm harry I uhh" i say umm and uhh a lot i just noticed that. I have too many habits i should probably fix that.

"My answer is..."

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