chapter 15 - the sunrise

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Mike's point of view...

I was the first one to wake up in the morning. In fact, it was just about the break of dawn when I woke up. I could see the sun begin to rise.

I looked around the tent and noticed that no one else was awake yet. Not that I blame them. We all had a long night and none of us wake up this early regularly, anyways.

I got out of the tent and began to stretch as I quietly made my way towards the house. I wanted Eleven to see the sunrise with me. I reached the back door and slowly moved the handle, not wanting to alarm anyone. I walked to Will's room where Eleven was sleeping and cautiously and opened the door. I peered inside and saw El's body slowly rise and fall again at a steady pace, indicating that she was still asleep.

I was beyond excited to go talk to her and be with her again. It had only been hours since we had last been with each other, but those hours felt like years, even though I was sleep.

Having the feeling that El would always be here now and always be safe makes me so happy. I'll get to see her everyday and take her around on my bike again like we used to. We can finally get all of that back.

I tiptoed over to the bed, smiling like a madman. I couldn't stop my smiling, and I didn't want to. El made me happy, and honestly, I'm not afraid to show it anymore.

I was about to attempt to gently shake El awake, but that's when I really noticed her. She had sweat pouring down her head and her face was twisted in some sort of discomfort. You could hear a faint groan coming from her lips, and that's when I started to get really worried. I placed my hand firmly on her shoulder and began to shake her. "Eleven? El?" I asked, hoping for her to awaken.

Instead, El began to stir. Her faint groans slowly progressed into small sobs and shaking wasn't helping her to wake up.

I started to rub her longer hair out of her face and behind her ears as she continued to sweat.

I was really panicking. I didn't want to see her in pain. Especially after she just got home. I have to keep her happy. I have to.

I gently placed my hand on El's cheek and got closer to her face. "El? It's Mike. You're having a bad dream, okay? You need to wake up," I said with a little more force in my voice despite my precious attempts to wake her.

Soon after, I heard her breaths start to return to the pace that they should have been at before, causing me to smile. "There you go, you're okay now, El. You're safe. You're home-"

I took a break before finishing.

"You're home with me now."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Eleven's rather small hand reach up from under the bedspread and place itself where my hand was currently on her face. Her breathing was still calm and steady, though, like she was still asleep. I heard her hum something inaudible, as if it were a response to something, but i just let her sleep a little longer before I attempted to wake her again. Besides, everyone knows that the later then sunrise, the more vibrant the colors become.

Minutes later, I shook El again. "Eleven? I want to show you something," I whispered to her. She slowly awoke from her sleep, which she probably would have rather not have been awoken from in the first place. "Mike," she began to mumble. Her voice was very low and groggy.

"It's me," I began to say. "And I really would like you to see something. Do you want to see?" I asked her, still keeping my voice down in case the other wake. Eleven nodded and her lips curved into a smile, but said nothing. I smiled in return, backing away from the bed, extending my hand for her to take. She flung the bedspread off of her and obliged to my offer of assistance out of bed.

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