chapter 17 - the later

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Hawkins, Indiana. September, 1985

Mike's point of view...

"Lucas, come on! Hurry up! You know we have to be at school early today. For Jane," I stressed, knocking on Lucas's door.

Jane was gripping my left hand from behind me while I was using my right to knock on Lucas's door. I could tell she was nervous. She had been all day so far.

Jane is starting school today at Hawkins Middle. She's ready to learn, I can tell. She's incredibly smart, and was easily able to catch up to us as far as her education within the eight months she had. It sounds crazy, I know, but she could almost pass for a child genius. She learns things so quickly. It wouldn't surprise me if I was told she was smarter than I was.

Jane was always ready to take on new information once it was given to her. I guess it's something that has to do with...well...having telekinetic powers, that her brain is different than ours. She can remember and learn easier.

Nevertheless, she was still incredibly nervous about starting school. She would have to meet new people, and considering for so many, about twelve years of her life she didn't have to meet new people, this was all very new and scary for her.

As soon as I was about to knock on the door for the hundredth time in a row, Lucas opened the door and stepped through it.

"I'm here! Don't get your panties in a bunch, Wheeler," Lucas mumbled, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, well, you know we have to be there early today. I'm showing Jane around," I explained before walking towards our bikes, letting go of Jane's hand.

That's another thing that Jane learned how to do. Hopper bought her a bike of her own and taught her to ride it. I'm not going to lie: I was pretty disappointed when I found out she didn't have to ride on my bike with me anymore, but we can't do everything together, I guess. Independence is a good thing.

"We're still going to pick up Will and Dustin, right?" Jane asked as we began to ride along. "Of course. Mike's just paranoid," Lucas said, picking up speed and riding ahead of us. I rolled my eyes. "Up yours, Lucas," I said, causing Jane to laugh.

Lucas continued to stay in front of us, which led Jane to ride up and pedal right next to me, a look of discomfort showed on her face.

"Mike?" she asked.

I'll admit that, as well. Every time she said my name, I felt something - something inside of my chest. It feels like someone igniting a fire in me.

"Yes, Jane?" I asked, glancing over at her for a few seconds, once again. "I'm really nervous. What if people think I'm...a weirdo?" she asked, biting her lip in the process. I sighed, thinking of a good response.

I knew she was thinking of the few times in the past that she was referred to as that by Lucas of Troy, back when she wasn't trusted.

"Jane, no one is going to think you're weird. You'll have Jennifer and her friends to hang out with. Plus, even if someone does think you're weird, which they won't...I mean, who cares? You have friends. We would never think you're weird," I rambled on, trying to find decent words to say. I was never good with these things. This was always Nancy's string suit, not mine.

I looked over and noticed Jane smiling. "Thanks, Mikey," she said. A nickname she has since developed for me. "You're welcome," I said, deciding not to fight her on the nickname. It's weird. If anyone else called me that, I would have said something about it, but whenever Jane calls me that, I rather like it.

I began to feel my cheeks grow warm as I stared at the road below me., no, no, no, no, don't blush, Michael...

Sooner than I realized it, we were outside of Dustin's house. Luckily for us, unlike wife Lucas, Dustin was ready for us. He sat on his bike outside in his driveway, and rode out when we made it there.

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