chapter 16 - the snowball

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Mike's point of view...

Only one month later, and things could not be better. I could not be happier. Life is amazing.

As it turns out, there was a lot that we had to figure out and take care of after Jane's return.

Oh, yeah . . . El's name is Jane.

Her mother was determined unable to take care of her, and her aunt refused due to supposed 'heartbreak'. I think it's because of denial. Jane lives at my house, but Hopper is her legal guardian. He adopted her. The only reason why she currently isn't living with him is because of his work schedule. She would have to be alone a lot, and she doesn't like that at all.

Hopper and Ms. Byers have continued to grow into a relationship now. An official one, anyways. I'm pretty sure that we all knew this was bound to happen. All of their spare time is spent with each other. Will, after long last, has finally gotten used to Hopper being around. Will used to tell me how he didn't trust the whole 'dad' idea after everything with his own dad, but now, Will finally sees Hopper as a real father figure. A father figure he never had before other than with Jonathan.

As for Jane and my parents, there was obviously some needed explaining. Of course, it was very hard to try and do, Hopper pulled it off using detailing help from Ms. Byers. The whole truth wasn't explained, I was told. I wasn't actually told what was said and what wasn't. I don't even know if I want to know. All I know is, whatever was said worked. In my eyes, that's all that really matters, anyways.

Anyhoo, Jane's room in the basement now, really. We replaced the couch down there with a twin sized bed for her. Nancy not only gave her some of her old clothes, but she also took money out of her allowance to buy Jane a whole wardrobe full of dresses and skirts and frilly shirts of all sorts. I can tell how pretty it makes her feel, and it should make her feel that way. She always should feel that way.

As far as Nancy goes, we have yet again grown far from each other. I don't like it at all. I liked it when I could tell her things. Now, I do still tell her things, but she never lets me in on anything anymore. She says it's 'teenager stuff' and that I shouldn't worry about it, when the truth is, I'm constantly worried about it. She isn't around too much, either. She's either always with Steve or Jonathan...I never know which one. They all used to be close. You know, the three of them together. Lately, though, I never see Jonathan with Steve - only with Nancy.

My mom uses all of the time she has to homeschool Jane. That is, the time that Holly allows our mom to spend with her. My mom always tells me about how Jane is always so eager to learn. She learns things so quickly because she always wants to know new stuff about the world. Her vocabulary and reading level have both gone up so much already. I couldn't be more proud of her.

My mom says she'll probably be able to start school with me either the upcoming school year. Possibly the year after that, but I doubt that. Jane's too smart. She won't have to wait a whole other year.

Will has a girlfriend. You probably could guess who it is.


They spend an awful lot of time with each other at school and even after school, sometimes. His family adores her, especially being Will has never liked a girl before. I'm happy for him.

Troy doesn't bother us anymore. It turns out, when he fell on the ground in pain while in contact with Eleven, his leg broke. Since then, he hasn't wanted to be mess with us.

Lucas and Dustin are both the same. I couldn't love them more. Dustin still encourages you when you're down and gives the best advice for any situation you could ever imagine. Lucas still is an extreme realist, but lightens any room with his comedic side.

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