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Edited 9/13/17

Your POV (age: 5 years old)
"Ugh I'm never gonna get it!" I yell in frustration and slam my hands down on the floor. I keep failing to cast a spell and it's really making me mad. Like really mad....

"Calm down, Y/N take a deep breath." My mom says, I look over to her. My mom isn't like any other moms. She's a dragon.

"Okay." I said and take a deep breath, I feel much better "Try again." She says "Moon dragon ROAR!" I chanted and it worked "Yay! It actually worked!" I cheered Lunasa, my mother claps.

"You'll be a fine moon dragon slayer,
Y/N." She says.

Your POV (age 7)
"Good morning Lunasa." I yawn and sit up, I look around in the cave. She's gone. "LUNASA?!" I yell and look around and run to the forest.

I watch as she flys away. "LUNASAAAAAAAA!" I scream and fall to my knees. My beloved mommy is gone...Forever.

I grab my stuff and shove it in a bag. "This sucks." I mumble to myself as I go further into a forest.

And then all of the sudden...*THONK* something hit my head, I groan in pain, brushing myself off "Hey what's the big idea!" I yelled, my eyes widen, it's an egg.

It looks just like the galaxy, it's so beautiful. I took the egg and carry it with me. "I'll take care of you, I promise." I promised the creature inside that egg and I feel the egg shake a little. I giggle and keep waking in the forest.

A few months later
"Oh it's hatching!" I said happily as I watch many cracks form on the egg. I hear a noise and eventually the egg starts floating in the air.

"W-what's going on?" I squeaked and a bright light appears. "Huh?" I feel something on my lap, I look down and see a beautiful cat that looks like the galaxy. It looks just like the egg.

It all of the sudden has wings appear on its back and it starts flying. "So cool!" I say. "I'll call you....Hm... Oh I know! I'll call you E/N!" I blurted out my idea

"Yas!" The tiny galaxy cat says and I laugh 'I will never let anyone hurt you E/N you have my word.' I thought to myself as I pick it up and continue traveling.

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