✾Fourty five: Elemental

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A/N: This chapter is kinda based of a fight with Lyode and another god slayer. I made up a person named Jamie she's a elemental god slayer so, yeah you can imagine how hard this fight might be lmao. Y/N's included btw. This was Sebastianisboss idea so if you have any complaints, talk to her 🤣ANYWAYS LETS ROOOOLLLL (oh yeah btw sorry about my new profile pic my face is so ugly lmao)

Your POV
"L/N is that you?" The white haired asked "Lyode..?" I asked, she nodded "I thought this girl was you at first but it seems I was wrong." She sweat dropped "Yeah, she's not me. What are you doing her?" I asked "I could ask the same to you." She said

I shrugged, "Sting and Rouge said they could handle Jimena. The bastards alive. They thought they took care of him earlier but he healed or something."

"Wow, um.I uh.......Look... I'm sorry for how I acted at the Grand Magic Games, I got carried away, and even if you don't forgive me I just wanted to say I'm sorry." Lyode apologized

I grinned, "It's alright, we all get carried away in winning. Congrats on being the best guild in Fiore."

"Thanks!" Lyode said sweetly, she's actually really nice outside of the games. This is kinda weird because of our fight and all.

"Well I see, number eighty four failed," A voice said as we heard a pair of footsteps coming towards us "Tragic, isn't it?" They stopped. Lyodeand I slowly turned around to see a person with blonde hair and violet eyes. A woman.

"Who is she?" Lyode asked "They're demons from the book of Zeref, you can tell by their eyes." I answered, the blonde haired giggled in a way that would make your ears bleed and run away.

"I just wanted to make this quickly and exterminate you both." She said, her whole body started glowing before she had a gold outfit on, "I'm the ruler of all the god slayer's, I am the elemental god."

"No way." I said "But you were just a myth!" Lyode says, backing away

"I have missed you Lyode." The woman said "Huh?"

"My name is Jamie, I am your mother, Lyode."


Zeref: Wow.

Madi: Hey readers it's been awhile and I'm on these lovely crutches >~<

Sting: What did you do?

Madi: I'll tell you in a little bit. NOW I'm gonna tell u all a fabulous story that one of my wattpad friend Skia and I had >_<

Zeref: Was it about Gratsu or some dome yaoi ship?

Madi: Nope! It was about Rouge's ponytail! xDD Skaiura-chan and I stole his ponytail!

Zeref: ...How?

Madi: Well....

Third POV
"I swear to god, Rouge uses charm magic or something. He always steals Sting's girls!" Skaiura said, glancing over at the huge crowd of fangirls "Yeah he probably is." Madi frowned, looking at the huge crowds around Rouge that's chanting, "PONY TAIL! PONY TAIL!" Over and over

"We should cut off Rouge's ponytail!" Madi laughed, Skaiura grinned evilly, "Then we'll rule the world!"

"It's settled we're getting that ponytail!" Skaiura said, Madi stood up on her crutches, "YES!" And they high fived

17 hours later....
Rouge wakes up and groans, he puts his hand on the back of his head to undo the ponytail. But...

It was gone.

"MY HAIR!!!!" He shouts, the whole world shakes to his loud screech Madi and Skaiura enter the room,

"Rouge what's wrong?" Skaiura asked, holding in her snickers "SOMEONE CUT OFF MY HAIR! CALL NINE ONE ONE AND TELL THEM THEY NEED TO SURGEICALLY PUT ON MY HAIR!" Rouge panicked, running around the room

"Sorry for your lost~pfffft~ see ya!" The two girls said in a sync and ran out of the room

Then they became rulers of the world with Rouge's ponytail! They became un-stoppable,

And also Skaiura married Natsu, say good bye to Nalu!


Zeref: Wtf.

Madi: We are sooooo awesome! >_< everyone follow Skai btw! She's awesomeeeee and we had this conversation on her Fairy Tail one shots and yeah! 😁

Zeref: Not as awesome as me (O~O)

Madi: She is awesomeer than you she's a better friend than you, dark bitch all u talk about it depressing stuff about Natsu and other stories that are suuuu boring >_<

Zeref: I thought I was your friend too

Madi: Nah, your my bitch

Zeref: What's a side whore btw?

Madi: Why?

Zeref: This girl asked me if I wanted her to be my side whore

Madi: .....It's better if you don't know

Zeref: Okay. >_<

Madi: Also, Gruvia is now cannon >~< sorry Gratsu shippers ^~^

Gray: *puts on rape face*

Madi: Oml, wtf u scare me. And also I'm deciding what car I should get soon! Even though I'm rlly early af whatever, I'm saving up my money

Zeref: Your gonna crash it on the first day-

Madi: NAOOOO >~< *kicks*


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