✾Eleven: Lets party

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Edited 9/25/17

Third POV
Today is Y/N's best friend, (Bff name)'s birthday and there is going to be a huge party. Y/N and Rogue are currently  helping decorate the dance room with a bunch of other people from Fairy Tail and other guilds.

"Okay everyone hide she's here!" Lucy shouts and everyone runs to random corners to hide. Y/N and Rogue both hide underneath a table. The dark room was silent until a door creaked open.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" (Bff name) calls out and the lights turn on "SUPRISE!!" Everyone yells as confetti falls down from the ceiling. "Happy birthday (Bff name)!" Y/N says and puts a hat on her head.

"Oh my gosh you guys! Thank you so much!" (Bff name) says and hugs Y/N as the Dj Y/N hired started playing some modern music.

In a couple minutes slow dance music starts and all of the couples in the room start dancing together. (Bff name) and her boyfriend, Lyon Vastia start dancing together.

Your POV
'Hm? Who am I dancing with? I wonder to myself and I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn around and see Rogue. "Hey beautiful," He says "Wanna dance?"

"I would love to." I say and we start dancing together. All of the couples eventually stop dancing and stand in a circle around us. "I ship it!" I hear (Bff name) say to Lyon and I blush.

"You know, your a really good dancer." Rogue compliments "Your good too." I complimented back and Rogue blushes. "You did such a good job on planning this party for (Bff name)." Rogue compliments "Thanks I tried my best thank you for helping." I say "No problem." Rogue says.

We dance to another slow dance and more modern music plays. "Oh my god I love this song!" I say "Me too!" Rogue says and everyone starts repeating rap songs.

Rogue puts his hands on my hips. I sway my hips and notice I'm very close to him. I didn't think I would do this to him but.... Fuck it.

I start grinding against him "I SHIP THEM SO HARD!" (Bff name) yells out and I sweat drop.

Eventually everyone is super drunk.
I mean REALLY drunk.

"Y/N wanna beer? *hiccup*." Lyon offers "No I'm good." I say "It's fineee~ have one *hiccup*." Lyon insists "Fine." I say.

Third POV
Rogue watches as the rest of the young adults start grinding against each other, even guys. He sweatshops as a very drunk Lyon and Gray grind against each other while (Bff name) just dances with another girl.

"H-hey Rogue." Y/N says as she walks towards him "Hey Y/N." he says, blushing from what happened earlier "Hey Y/N how are you doing?" Rogue asks "Not so *hiccup* good." Y/N said "I want to go home."

"Okay I'll go get Sting." Rogue said and gets up to look for the blonde. Rogue eventually finds Sting passed out on the floor. "T-too much drink...." Sting mumbles "Let's go dumbass." Rogue says and drags Sting back to where Y/N is at.

Rogue sees that she's sound asleep and throws her over his shoulder. "Ugh and we have the ball tomorrow..." Rogue sweat drops as he takes the two dragon slayers home. 'Why am I always the one who never gets drunk?'

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