//Those Mocha Eyes\\

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~A/N: I hope you enjoy this story! Just a heads up, the first chapter is kinda long and the italicized words are what someone is thinking~

Tyler's POV

     It all started with those big, sparkling mocha eyes..

     I'm that awkward kid in school. I don't have any friends, I don't play any sports, and I get made fun of and criticized for being gay.

     There's this boy in my school that I have a HUGE crush on. His name is Josh, but I have my own nickname for him. I call him Jishwa. (Only to myself.. obviously. I don't have anyone to talk to about him, and I certainly don't call him that to his face. I can't even talk to him, let alone tell him the secret nickname I created for him.)

     One day I was sitting in History, trying not to fall asleep because Mr. Urie's lectures are always a snooze fest. I look over at Josh. He sits up 1 seat and 2 to the right from my seat. I sit there, gazing at the left side of his face. You could see his radiating beauty from even just this side view in which I've been blessed with. He looks over in my direction to see what time it is on the clock which is hanging on the wall behind me. As he's switching his attention from Mr. Urie to the clock he catches me looking at him. He stops rotating his head when our eyes meet. We look at each other for a second before Josh flashes a smile my way and turns back towards Mr. Urie. I can see the left side of his face flush red and pink.

"Why do I ruin everything? He'll never like me. Why do I even try? I just made things so awkward. I bet he thinks I'm a freak now."

»10 Minutes Later«

     The bell rings, so I start gathering my stuff. Everyone dashes out the door. I take a while to collect my books because they were all askew. I finally got all of my things into a tall stack and start standing up from my desk when I realize Josh is right in front of me.

"Umm.. Hi, my name's Josh."
"Oh, hi. Uh, I'm Tyler."
"Yeah, I know.. Not to sound creepy or anything. I just.. Uh... I've, um, seen you around."
"I get it. Hey, don't sweat it. It's cool."

     We both chuckle and start walking out of the classroom side by side. I realize we have our next class, math, together too.

"Aren't you in my math class?" I ask Josh (even though I already know the answer).
"Yep. Going there next. Wanna walk together?"
"I have to stop at my locker first so..."
"Can I come with?"
"If you want."
"I do indeed."

     I feel myself starting to blush and immediately look towards the floor. We arrive at my locker and I twist the dial, entering in my combination.

"You have locker 377?"
"Yeah.. Is my locker significant or something?"
"Well.. Um, yeah. Kinda, I guess. My locker is a couple lockers down, but I've never seen you at your locker, so I just thought no one had it."
"Oh, yeah I never come to my locker. I only did today because I ran out of paper, so I have to grab some really quick."
"You could've borrowed some from me."
"I don't want to be a burden.."
"I don't mind. Anything for a friend."

     I smiled and we walked to math. The whole class period I just sat there and thought about what had just happened.

"I just talked to the boy I've had a crush on for 3 years.. I hope I didn't screw anything up..."

     I looked over at Josh. When I looked at him I noticed he was already looking at me. We sat there and looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever. A perfect forever. His eyes sparkle so much, and they're this amazing shade of brown that I can only describe as mocha. His eyes are so breathtaking. I couldn't stop looking at him, but it wasn't awkward because he didn't seem to want to look away either. It was in that moment I realized I didn't just "like" Josh Dun. In fact, I was in love with him. Madly in love.

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