//"Dad . . ?"\\

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Tyler's POV

     I feel a faint touch on my knuckles and look down at our hands.

"JOSH! Did you ju-"

     I stop talking as I look at Josh's eyelids raising slowly. He opens his eyes completely and blinks a couple of times, trying to adjust to the light.

"T . . Ty . . Tyl . . Tyler?" Josh says in almost a whisper.

     His voice is hoarse and quiet.

"Shh . . It's okay. I'm here. God, I missed you so much."

     I hug him. He tries to hug me back, I can tell, but he still can't move.

     I sit back up and look at Josh. Tears are rolling down his cheeks.

"Aw, Josh. I know this is all probably overwhelming, but it'll be okay. Here, I know something that might help calm you down."

     I slide off the bed and walk towards the door. I bend down and grab my ukulele that was resting against the wall. I sit back down on the edge of Josh's bed.

      I look at Josh. He looks at me, then down at my ukulele. I already know what he wants to say without him even mumbling the words yet.

"I love it. It's perfect. Thank you."

     His lips slowly start stretching upwards, creating a dry, cracked smile.

"I missed your smile so much," I say, leaning forward to peck his forehead.

     I sit back up, smile, and strum a few quick chords to make sure my ukulele is in tune.

"The whole three weeks you were . . gone . . . I couldn't stop thinking about you. Whether I was at school, or even sitting with you. You were always on my mind. So, I wrote you a song . . I hope you like it."

     I look down at my ukulele and take a deep breath before I start playing.

"Now the night is coming to an end
The sun will rise and we will try again
Stay alive, stay alive for me
You will die, but now your life is free
Take pride in what is sure to die
I will fear the night again
I hope I'm not my only friend
Stay alive, stay alive for me
You will die, but now your life is free
Take pride in what is sure to die."

     When I finish singing, I look up at Josh. More tears are marching down his pale cheeks to the sea being formed on his stiff chest.

"It's . . beautiful," he says, again, in a slow hoarse whisper."

"I'm glad you like it. Now, get some sleep. You have to get better, I miss your voice," I say smiling, "I'm gonna go eat in the cafeteria with your mom, then I'll bring her in here to show her you're awake. You better wake back up when we get back."

     Josh smiles, or at least as much his chapped lips will allow him, and closes his eyes.

Josh's POV

     I close my eyes until I hear Tyler walk out and close the door. I reopen them and stare at the wall. Something isn't right. I'm awake, but I don't feel like myself. It feels like there's a . . presence. Like I brought something back with me. A new weight is on my shoulders. It's heavy. I'm waiting for my shoulders and collar bones to break under all of the pressure.

"What are you?"

     I see a black shadow move into my peripheral vision. I shift my eyes in its direction, unable to move my head.

"Oh, Josh. I'm not a what," a voice echoes throughout my head, "I'm a . . who," his voice deepens as he says "who".

      I become light headed and the room starts spinning. Everything goes black.


     I feel someone shaking my arm. I open my eyes to see who it is.

"Well, hi there. I'm Ruby, the nurse. Tyler told me you were awake, so I wanted to come check on you. Your mom and Tyler are in the cafeteria, and your dad is on his way," the nurse informs me.

"M . . My . . "

     Ruby cuts me off.

"Shh. You shouldn't talk yet. You could damage your vocal chords. Just rest a little more."

     She walks out of the room before I have time to retaliate. I lay there, helpless and not alone. I start trembling in fear, as the shadow approaches me. It sits on my bed, where Tyler once sat.

"When is he coming back?"

"He's not coming back for you. Why would he? You hurt him. He thought you tried to kill yourself. A part of him is even sad you didn't. Don't worry now, however. Daddy is on his way to come see his poor, pathetic little son," it says.

     As I'm about to ask if Tyler really wants me dead, it leans closer. Once again, I black out.


     I wake up to Tyler and my mom walking in the door. My mom runs over to me.

"Josh! Thank God you're okay!"

     She kisses my cheek, then holds my hand.

"I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, but . . can I . . talk to Tyler . . . alone . . ?"
"Of course. Only for a minute though. Now that you're awake, I want to spend as much time as humanly possible with you," she says, smiling.

     She walks out into the hallway, and closes the door. Tyler sits in his usual spot on my bed.

"What is it, Josh?"

"Did you . . think I . . tried to kill myself?" I mumble.
"Josh . ." his eyes start watering, "I'm so sorry. I didn't want to think that, but I didn't know what else to think. I was just so scared. I was worried that I didn't do a good enough job at making sure you were okay . ."

"So, you're not . . upset . . that I'm not . . . dead?"

"Of course not, baby. Your safety, well-being, and happiness are my top priorities. Why would you think that . . ?"

"I'm sorry . . . It was just . . " I pause, unsure if I should tell Tyler about . . it, "me doubting myself . . "

     I decide not to tell him. I just woke up. I don't want to worry him anymore than I already have. And, just in case that thing is out to get me, I want to make the best out of the last moments I'll have with Tyler . . .

      Tyler goes to get my mom, and all three of us sit and talk while watching tv together.


     Right as I remember to ask my mom about my dad coming, there's a knock at the door.

"Come in!" my mom exclaims.

     The door opens slowly, and in comes a tall, muscular man. I look at my mom, who's mouth is hanging open in disbelief.

"Dad . . ?"

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