//"You Have to Hear Me."\\

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Josh's POV

~Friday (the day before Valentine's Day)~

Tyler kissed me on the forehead, then went to the store with my mom.

"I hope I have enough time to get everything ready before they come back."

I go into my bedroom and grab the ukulele, the card, the microphone, and its stand that was hidden under my bed. I pack it all into my car, then drive to the highway. When I get there, I pull over and make my way up the hill to the bridge carrying the ukulele and the microphone stand. After a couple of minutes of struggling to get to the top of the steep hill without slipping in mud, I get to the bridge.

"Yay! The rose petals are still here."

I place the sleek, black case containing the ukulele in the middle of the walkway, and the microphone stand next to it. I go back down the hill to my car and grab the last 2 things, the microphone and the card. I start going up the hill to add the missing items.

As I reach the top of the hill, I feel myself start to slip in the mud. I step forward, trying to regain my balance, but only make things worse. My heel slips on the mud, sending me stumbling backwards. I lose my footing and start rolling down the hill. I don't know what to do. I tuck the microphone and card in close to my chest, so neither of them will get damaged. I can't stop myself since the hill is so steep. All I can do is hope for the best as I continue descending towards the road. The sky and the ground start mixing together, until I can't tell them apart.

I must've hit my head several times, because then the mixing of earth and sky stops. In fact, everything stops. I can't feel if I've reached the bottom of the hill yet. I can't move, or even open my eyes. Then, my thoughts stop too.


After an unknown amount of time, I wake up . . well, more like go from being unconscious to being in a coma. The difference? Unconsciousness is like sleeping. It's a span of time which seems to have passed by in 5 seconds and 5 years all at once. Being in a coma is not being able to open your eyes, move, or talk, but you're awake for every second of it. Even though your eyes aren't open, you're awake just laying there staring at the backs of your eyelids.

I am awoken by a small pinch in my arm.


Realizing then that I can't open my eyes to see what stung my arm, I start panicking.

"What's going on? Why can't I move!?"

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of quick footsteps that seem to be growing closer and closer to me. The footsteps slow down, and I can sense someone near me. Then, I feel someone grab both of my hands, which makes me jump . . well, jump without moving.

"You must be his mom, and you are . . ?"asks an unfamiliar voice.

"Tyler, Josh's boyfriend," I hear from the presence to my left.

When I hear Tyler's voice, I break down. I yell into the darkness that separates me from my soul mate.

"Tyler! Please! You have to hear me. I need you. I can't move. I'm scared."

"You guys are cute together," says the girl, who's voice I still don't recognize.

"He can't hear me . ."

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