//Falling In Love\\

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Josh's POV

     I dropped Tyler off at his house and watched as he walked up the steps. He stopped after opening the door and waved at me. I waved back, then started to drive home. As I was driving home there were a billion butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

Tyler is so cute. The way his innocent little smile pushes its way into my head, taking over all of my senses. When I think of his smile, I see his pronounced dimples, I feel the goosebumps start to cover my skin, I hear his adorable laugh, I smell the meadow of the happy place his smile takes me, I feel . . . love.

"I love Tyler . . ."

I slam on the brakes right in front of a little girl. I almost hit her while thinking of Tyler.

"I'm so sorry!"
"It's okay!" the little girl replies with a smile.

Seeing her smile immediately projects the image of Tyler standing at his front door smiling at me. I wish I could see his smile all the time. Although, I somewhat already do. His cute, adorable, innocent, perfect smile fills my head every time I close my eyes now.

I get home and run inside. I look around for my mom, not able to contain my pure joy.

"Mom! Where are you?"
"In my room!"

I dash into her bedroom. She's sitting on her bed reading a book.

"Mom, Mom, Mom!! Guess what!!!"
"Well, you're happy. What's so exciting, Josh?"

"I went on my first date! Well, I think it was a date . . It felt like one . . . I'm just gonna call it a date!!"
"Awwe! Who's the lucky boy?"
"His name's Tyler!"
"Well, I hope I get to meet him!"
"Maybe . . I'm thinking about inviting him over . . . I'm gonna go text him. Love you."

"Okay. Love you too, sweetheart."

My mom and I have a very strong relationship. Ever since my dad left us when I was 3, we've been like best friends. When I came out as gay to her, she accepted me right away because she's a huge supporter of the LGBTQ+ community.

I walk to my room and sit on the edge of my bed.

"I saw him like 20 minutes ago . . Is it too early to text him?"

I sit and think of what I could say.

"Oh, I know!"

I text Tyler:

"Hey, this is Tyler right?"

"Lol, yeah."
"Okay. Just wanted to make sure you didn't prank me and give me Pizza Hut's number or something lol."
"Nope, but I do love Pizza Hut lol."
"Maybe we could go there tomorrow . . ?"
"Yes! I had a really great time today by the way."
"Yay! I did too!"
"So, you wanna meet at my locker again after school?"
"Sure, see ya."
"See ya."

I lay back on my bed. I can't help but read our messages over and over. Even though they aren't special or really important, I get all giddy when I read them. I start blushing because every time I read them I can hear Tyler saying it in my head. It's like his voice is permanently engraved into my brain, and I love it.

I feel my eyelids becoming bricks. I close my eyes, and quickly drift off into an endless black void. I sleep for about 3 hours and wake to my phone going off. I look at my phone and see that Tyler is calling me. Confused and happy that I get to talk to him again, I answer the phone.

"Hel . . He . . . Hello . ."
"Tyler? What's wrong?"
"J . . Josh . . Can you . . . come . . pi . . pick . . . me up . . pl . . please?"
"Yes, of course. I'll be right there. Just breathe."
"Thank yo . . you. A . . And could you . . stay on the phone . . until you get here . . . ?"
"Don't worry. I'll stay on the phone. I'm here. I won't leave you."

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