Our guests arrived

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Adrian's POV:
Queen Mia:*sleeping in bed when all of a sudden,there was knocking on her door*"Who is knocking on my door this late at night?"
Adrian:"It's me Adrian."
Queen Mia:*gets out of bed and opens her door*"What is it Adrian?"
Adrian:"I received a letter.And the letter has your name on it."
Queen Mia:"Give me the letter."
Adrian:"Ok."*pulls out the letter from his back pocket and gives it to Queen Mia*
Queen Mia:*opens the letter immediately and reads it*".........Oh my."
Adrian:"What is it?"
Queen Mia:"Well...King Ash invited me,Luna, and you to visit him for a few days."
Queen Mia:"Apparently, he did."
Adrian:"Ok then.Anyway good night your highness."
Queen Mia:"Good night."*closes the door and goes back to sleep*
Adrian:*walking back to his bedroom and he thinks to himself*(Why would King Ash invite me? Normally, when the royal family Is invited to another kingdom nobody accompanies them except the Royal guards.I wonder.)

Everyone goes to sleep and as time passes it becomes morning.

Adrian's POV(continued):
Adrian:*wakes at six o' clock in the morning, gets dress then wakes up Luna and Queen Mia*"Come on wake up we have to visit the kingdom of Germany today."
Queen:*finished packing her luggage*"Ok ...Ok.I finished packing my luggage.Luna did you finish packing?"
Luna:"I finished packing last night, before I went to sleep."
Adrian:*opens the door to the limousine*"You can sit in the limousine now."
Queen:"Thank you."*enters the limousine*
Luna:*enters the limousine*
Adrian:*enters the limousine and closes the limousines door*
Queen Mia :"So Adrian .........King Ash invited you, how do you feel about that."
Adrian:"Uh...I feel fine...I guess."
Queen Mia:"Don't you feel excited? "
Adrian:"Maybe ,I don't know.(Why is Queen Mia asking me so many questions?)
Queen Mia:"Ok then, how about you Luna?"
Luna:"Great I guess."
Queen Mia:"Ok."

The limousine drove them all the way to the airport, where they stay for two hours.After about two hours they heard the number of their flight and went towards the airplane.It took about 2 1/2 hours to fly to Berlin the capital city of Germany.They got off the airplane into another limousine where they we're being transported to King Ash's palace.The limousine drove them for 30 minutes and they finally arrived at his palace.

King Ash's POV:
King Ash:*standing outside in the front of his palace so he could so he can greet the guests*
Luke:*comes out of the palace with Rose*
King Ash:"Ah our guests have finally arrived.Ready to greet them?"
Luke:"I'm ready to greet them.How about you my dear?"
Rose:*with a fake smile on her*"Sure."
Adrian:*he comes out of the limousine*
Rose:*looks directly at Adrian with a smile on her face*
Luke:*he notices Rose staring at Adrian*(Rose is way too excited.I have to get rid of Adrian,quickly.)
Adrian:*opens the door to the limousine*
Queen Mia:*gets out of the limousine*
Luna:*gets out of the limousine*
Royal Guard:"We welcome the Royal family of Paris, France.Here is Queen Mia accompanied by Princess Luna and the royal advisor Adrian."
King Ash:"We are so happy to have you all here.Please come inside."
Queen Mia:*enters the palace with Luna and Adrian*
King Ash:"My maids have already set up each one of your rooms.If you need anything feel free to ask."*walks over to Queen Mia and Luna*"May I talk with you two ladies for a moment."
Queen Mia:"Ok."
King Ash:"We have a problem."
Queen Mia:"What's the problem."
King Ash:"The problem is......"
Luna:"I'm guessing the problem is that Rose is in love with Adrian, and she doesn't love your son so your planning on killing Adrian.I am right?"
Queen Mia:"Luna ...."
King Ash:"Queen Mia your daughter is right."
Queen Mia:"So your planning on killing Adrian so Rose would love your son."
King Ash:"Yes."
Queen Mia:* surprised*
Luna:"If you want I can help get rid of Adrian too."
Queen Mia:"I don't know about this."
Luna:*sighs*"Mom look if we get rid of Adrian Rose will feel that she has no other choice but to be with Luke.There will be no other distractions if we kill Adrian.I will do whatever it takes just to keep peace between vampires and humans even if it means killing someone."
Queen Mia:"Your right if we get rid of Adrian then Rose will have to stay with Luke forever."
King Ash:"So will you help kill Adrian?"
Luna:"Heck yeah!"
Queen Mia:"Ok."
King Ash:"We will talk more about this some other time."*walks to his royal office*
Queen:"Rose,Adrian, and Luke come over here please."
Rose:*walks toward her mom*
Adrian:*walks toward the Queen*
Luke:*walks toward the Queen*
Queen Mia:"Me and Luna will go check out our rooms.In the meantime feel free to explore the palace."*leaves with Luna*

Rose's POV:
Rose:"Hey Adrian how's it been."
Adrian:"It's been good."*winks at rose*"How have you been,beautiful."
Rose:"I've been......."*someone pulls Rose's arm*
Luke:* jealous*"Rose is fine."
Adrian:"Let rose talk man.She can say whatever she wants."
Luke:*pushes Adrian*
Rose:*yells*"Luke stop."
Adrian:*pushes Luke*
Rose:"No, Stop it."
Adrian:"*he stops after hearing rose yell*I'm going to go to my room."
Adrian:*turns to look at rose but continues to walk to his room*
Luke:"Forget about him babe.Hey look on the bright side,it's just you and me now."
Rose:*pushes Luke out of the way and runs after Adrian*"Adrian wait!"

Adrian's POV:
Adrian:*heard a knock on his door*"Who is it?"
Rose:"It's me Rose.Adrian can we talk please?"
Adrian:*opens his door and Rose walks into his room*
Rose:"Adrian I'm so sorry for the way Luke was reacting,I don't know what's gotten into him......."
Adrian:* silences Rose with a kiss*
Rose:*kisses Adrian back and puts her arms around his neck*
Adrian:*stops kissing Rose*
Rose:*blushing*A.....A......Adr....Adrian what was the kiss for?"
Adrian:"Rose ........je't aime."
Rose:"........Adrian.I love you to but...."
Adrian:"But what?"
Adrian:*surprised*"Who are you married to?"
Rose:"I'm married to Luke."
Adrian:"The most beautiful,kindhearted,intelligent, Athletic, righteous,and strong women in the world is married to a crazy,rude, stuck up, no good,power hungry, jealous prince."
Rose:"Well when you put it that way.......yes."
Adrian:"Rose I'm sorry that I kissed you,it's just when I first saw you I fall in love immediately.Over the years you grown more beautiful and I couldn't help but kiss you.Please don't tell your husband what happened between us because I think he would kill me for it."
Rose:"Adrian don't worry I won't tell Luke.To be honest I don't even love Luke at all."
Adrian:"If you don't love you love him then why marry him?"
Rose:"Well........it's a long story."
Adrian:"Oh I see."
Luke:*knocking on Adrian's door*
Adrian:"Who is it?"
Luke:"It's me Luke.Have you seen Rose by any chance I need to talk to her."
Rose:*starts backing up in a corner scared*
Adrian:*looks at Rose and decided to lie to Luke*"No I haven't seen her."
Luke:"Are you sure because she ran after you after our little fight."
Adrian:"No she's not here."
Luke:"Let me take a look in your room just to be sure."
Adrian:*grads Rose's arm and hides her in his closet*"Ok you can come in."*opens his door and Luke comes in*
Luke:"So you weren't lying to me then."*grads Adrian by the neck*"Don't you dare lay on finger on my wife."*lets go of Adrian's neck*
Adrian:"Why are you so protective about her?She can make her own decisions without being told what to do you know."
Luke:"First of all I'm protective of her because she's my wife.And secondly your wrong she can't make her own decisions unless I approve them.Besides she would never disobey me."
Adrian:"Well as you can she your wife isn't in my room,so just leave then."
Luke:"Whatever."*walks out of Adrian's room and continues to try and find Rose*
Adrian:*closes his door and locks it*"Luke is gone now.Rose you can come out of my closet now."
Rose:*gets out of the closet and hugs Adrian*"Thank you for not telling Luke I was in here."
Adrian:"I would never tell that guy besides I love you."*starts kissing her neck*
Adrian:*picks up Rose bridal style*
Rose:"Adrian what are you doing?"
Adrian:*puts Rose on his bed*"Well what do you think I'm going to do."
Rose:"I don't know.Are you going to bang me?"
Adrian:*smirks*"Maybe?Well do you want to do it?"
Rose:"Of course Adrian.I would do it with you anytime."
Adrian:*pushes Rose on the bed,then gets on top of her, and then starts kissing her lips*
Rose:*kisses Adrian, unbuttoned Adrian's shirt and removed his pants*
Adrian:*takes Rose's shirt and skirt off*"You look sexy when your like this."
Rose:"Just start banging me already."
Adrian:"Ok!"*put his hands on Rose's underwear and takes it off her,then he put his private part inside of Rose and starts going slowly at first*
Rose:*moans*"Adrian you feel so......good."
Adrian:"Thank you."
Rose:"A.....Adrian can you go a little faster please?"*moans*
Adrian:*starts going faster*
Rose:*moans*"Yes......Yes....keep going Adrian.Oh My Gosh this feels......so good."

For about 2 hours they continued to bang each other.Adrian never felt this way towards any women except Rose.Rose was never this happy before,until Adrian started banging her really hard.They enjoyed everything that happened between them and they promised each other to not tell anyone what happen,not even her husband.After 2 hours of banging each other they relaxed in bed.Both of them eventually put their clothes back on and Rose told Adrian that she had to leave so that nobody would think she is missing.
Part 7 will be out soon.In the meantime tell me what you want to read,so leave a comment explaining what you want to happened in the story.I will choose 2 ideas and incorporate them into the story.

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