Part 14

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Luna:"You desire someone's demise?
?:"Why of course. There can't be a proper trade without someone paying the ultimate price, which is life itself."
Luna:"Fine then.Someone will die, but only if you can watch over my sister and try to bring her and husband fall in love with each other."
?:"Luna, why do you want your sister to be married to such as creature anyway?Won't she despise him?I mean ever since the king....."
Luna:"Shut up!You know it is forbidden to ever mention what happened that ungrateful day.No one is to ever mention it again!"
?:* sighs*"So when do you want me to come over?"
Luna:"Within two days.I already purchased your airplane ticket, so I suggest you start packing.Once you enter the German airport there will be a tall Africa man in a black suit by the name of, Charles Freemen,  from there he will bring you to the palace."
?:"Farewell princess.Nice talking to you again."
Luna:"Same here."*hangs up her phone*

Once Luna hung up her phone she walked out of her room.Meanwhile Luke and his father ended up at the end of the stairs towards the dungeon.

Luke's POV
Luke:"Finally, it took forever just to get down here."
Ash:"Your right son."
Luke:* smells the air*"Dad."
Ash:"*turns to face Luke*"What?"
Luke:"Do you smell that?It reeks of blood, but this time the scent of blood is stronger then last time."
Ash:"Whoever blood this belongs to, their blood smell tasty.I can't wait to sink my fangs into their neck and suck out every last ounce of blood until they are died.I've haven't smelled blood that sweet since your mother."
Ash:"Yes, but the only difference is your mothers blood never smelled so sweet like this."
Luke:"I know.I remember what mother smelled like."
Ash:"This blood makes me hungry with every passing minute.Its incredibly sweet, it's driving me insane.We need to continue searching though.Perhaps if we follow this scent we will ended up face to face with that person who blood smell so sweet."
Ash:"Alright then."

Luke and his dad continued to walk though they dungeon until they came across a crazy old man.Right as they were about to pass by him.This old man has been a prisoner for twenty years and still is.The old man tried to talk to them, but as usual royals of such high class normally ignored lower class people.The old man tried to tell them to stop, but they continue walking until the old man say.

Prisoner:"Hey stop!Come back here!"
Luke:*turns around*"What business do you have with me you ugly old man?"
Prisoner:*laughs a little*"Nothing I just wanted to ask, why would someone of such stature come down here?"
Luke:"That is non of your business."
Prisoner:"Are you perhaps searching for someone?Or are you gonna beat up another prisoner this week?Well which one is it?"
Luke:"Non of you dang business you creep."
Prisoner:"If your searching for someone, I saw a beautiful young maiden.She had light brown eyes with blonde hair.She came down her looking for someone special.Not sure why such as beauty was doing down here though."
Luke:"Wait.Did this young maiden ever gave you her name?"
Prisoner:"Nope.She seemed in a hurry though."
Luke:"Thank you that valuable information."*walk away from the prisoner*

As for Rose and Adrian they came up with a plan especially design to escape.They even planned on running away together.Nothing matter at that point.Rose sat down by Adrian and place her head on his shoulder.When she did that Adrian heart starting racing.His love for her went deeper then the ocean.The plan was complete and they allowed so much time to pass.Until they heard the door open at the end of the hallway the door opened.Rose stood up quickly.Adrian told Rose to hide in the dark corner of the wall.She hide immediately, but she forgot to pick up the first aid kit along with the water bottle.As the door was entirely open  Luke and his father entered the room only to see Adrian sitting on the floor.They noticed they blood on his body was cleaned and a medical kit along with a water bottle was right besides him.

Adrian's POV
Luke and his dad entered the room.They seemed to be checking to see if anything was different.I stayed quiet hoping they would leave.My only concern at this point was making sure Rose was safe and making sure they left.Luke looked at me and walked towards me.
Luke:"Alright tell me!Where is she?"
Adrian:"Where who?"
Luke:*slaps Adrian in the face*"Don't play stupid with me!Where is my wife?!"
Adrian:"What are you talking about?"
Luke:*punches Adrian in the face*"Tell me!"
Adrian:"She wasn't here."
Luke:"Your lying."
Adrian:"What makes you think I'm lying."
Luke:"Because I can smell her blood.Her scent of blood leads here.In a matter of fact the scent of her blood fills this entire room."
Ash:*comes up for behind Luke*"Where is my daughter-in-law?"
Adrian:"She left."
Luke:"I had enough.Dad!"
Ash:"What is it."
Luke:"Let's beat up Adrian."

Luke and his dad started beating up Adrian.Rose was hiding in the shadows in the corner by the wall.All she come hear was Adrian in pain as they beat him.She wanted to jump out from the shadows and beg them to stop beating him.She never meant for this to happened.Her heart pounded, and her heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces.Uncertain of what to do she stood there with sorrow in her head, but her mind told her to put an end to this.As she heard the beating fifth teen minutes later.She couldn't take it.

Rose's POV
When I heard Luke say let's beat up Adrian my heart and mind disagree with one another.I wanted to save Adrian, but he told me to stay here.If I saved Adrian would he really be spared or would they dispose of him?Knowing Luke he hates Adrian.He even threaten to kill Adrian if I refuse to marry him.Why can't he just accept the fact that I despise him?I wouldn't have marry him, nor even accepted him as my husband.I always hated vampires because they act so obnoxious and they are killers.They killed somebody important to me along time ago, and now they plan on taking away the one I love.I have to act now because if I don't he can end up dead like my father.

Even though I wasn't sure how this was going to end.It was up to me.Whenever I appeared Luke acted like a 'gentleman', but when I disappear everything went down hill from there.Without thinking I jumped out of the shadows and yell at the top of my lungs to tell them to stop hurting Adrian.

Rose:"Stop hurting Adrian!"
Luke:*looks up to find Rose standing in front of him*
Rose:"Leave him out of this!It was my decision to come down here!If anyone should pay the price it should be me!Stop it I beg you!"
Luke:*feels relieve*"Why were you down here?"*grads her by the waist*
Rose:"That's non of your business."
Luke:"I think it is!"
Rose:"Whatever.Look you found me already now stop it."
Luke:"Fine then."*whispers in her ear*"Your very rebellious.Well it doesn't matter because tonight you'll be punished."
Rose:"Wait!What!"*her eyes opened wide*
Luke:"Ok dad, stop beating him.I've already got what I wanted."

Luke, Rose, and Ash left the dungeon.Adrian was wondering why Rose would give herself up she easily.For years he knew Rose to be strong hearted person, but he knew she must've felt pain.Rose left the dungeon and felt as if a part of her die right there.After walking for fifth-teen minutes they arrived in the kitchen.Luke's dad left to go take a nap.Luke took Rose to their bedroom.Once they went inside the bedroom he throw Rose on the floor.

Luke's POV
Luke:"What where you thinking?I freaking told you if you needed anything tell the maids or butlers!"
Rose:"I don't need help from the likes of you!Plus, I can do things on my own."
Luke:"What is that supposed to mean?"
Rose:"I don't need help from vampires and I'm able to do things by myself."* gets up from the floor*"I hate you!I hate all vampires!"
Luke:"Your a vampire too."
Rose:"No, I was turned into one.I hate vampires!"
Luke:"Why do you hate vampires?!"
Rose:"You want to know why!Fine, I'll tell you why!It's because your kind killed my father!"
Talk about drama.Well hope you enjoyed this chapter and the music.Next chapter we'll be release soon.

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