The plan

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Luke's POV:
Luke:*wakes up in bed and looks at Rose**decides to start kissing her neck*
Rose:*gets up*"Luke......stop it."
Luke:*stops kissing Rose*"So did you enjoy last night?"
Luke:"What?Why not?"
Rose:*angry*"You forced me to have sex with you ,and I only married you to protect Ad....."
Luke:"*yells*"Don't you dare say his name!"
Luke:*gets on top of Rose and whispers in her ear*"Listen I'm your husband and do whatever I want if you want Adrian alive.I also remember during our wedding you promised me that you will listen to me,and only me."*gets off Rose and gets dressed*"I'll be back in about two hours."*leaves the room*

Rose's POV:
Rose:*starts crying in bed*"I...I .....I hate you Luke."*cries more and puts her clothes on*
Luke:* ease dropping on Rose *
Rose:*walks to the balcony and cries more*
Luke:(what have I done?)

Luke's POV:
Luke:(what have I done,now Rose will never truly love me.)*walks down the hallway towards his father's room and Knocks on the door*
King Ash:*opens his door*"Hello Luke."
Luke:"Hi dad ,can we talk?"
King Ash:"Sure thing kid."* Luke walked into his father's room and his dad closed the door*
Luke:"Dad I have a problem."
King Ash:"What kind of problem?"
Luke:"A marriage problem."
King Ash:"Oh."*surprised*"Well what's the problem?"
Luke:"The problem is that my wife is in love with another men,and not me.The second problem is that she only married me to protect the"
King Ash:*sighs*"Well we can't do anything about it now."
Luke:*sighs*"Your right but how can Rose fall in love with me now."
King Ash:"Well you could Romance her, or....."
Luke:"Or what?"
King Ash:"Or you could get rid of the man your wife loves."
Luke:"I can't I don't want to break her heart."
King Ash:*starts laughing*
Luke:* look at his dad confused*
King Ash:*stops laughing*"Think about it if you get rid of that man Rose will be yours,and she will count on you all the time.Plus you already break her heart, I heard her crying."
Luke:"How did you hear her crying?"
King Ash:"Vampire's have super hearing,remember?"
King Ash:"How about I kill the man she loves,and you romance her so she'll fall in love with you."
Luke:"I don't know."
King Ash:"Hey at least you'll have your mate beside you for all eternity."
Luke:*thinks about it*
King Ash:"This could be your only chance.If this man dies it may bring Rose and you closer together."
King Ash:"So what is your answer?"
Luke:"If it means bringing Rose and me closer together then I say let's kill him!"
King Ash:"Perfect.So what is the name of this man?"
Luke:"His name is Adrian ,the royal advisor of Queen Mia."
King Ash:"Well it seems we will just have to invite Adrian as an honor guest."
King Ash:"I will send a note to Queen Mia saying that Adrian will stay here as an honor guest."*grads a piece of paper and starts writing a letter to Queen Mia*
Luke:"Ok then ,what I'm supposed to do with Rose when Adrian's around?"
King Ash:"Just stay by her side until Adrian is dead."
Luke:"Ok.Bye dad I got to go."
King Ash:"Bye Luke."
Luke:*walks out of his father's room and walks into the library*"What will I do with Rose.Maybe I could Romance her,or put her under a spell to love me.No!That's not going to work because I love her too much to do anything bad to her."*sighs*"What I'm I going to do?"*two hours later Luke walks back to his bedroom and opens the door only to find Rose outside on the balcony still*

Rose's POV:
Rose:*sitting down on a chair on the balcony,then she heard the door open*
Luke:"Hi Rose ,I'm back."
Luke:"Rose look I'm sorry if I mistreated you.D0 you forgive me?"
Rose:"Luke just leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you."
Luke:"Rose I'm sorry."
Rose:"Just leave me alone,plz."
Luke:"Rose just tell me what's wrong I'm here for you."
Rose:*getting angry*"I hate you Luke!!!You blackmailed me,and then you rapped me."
Luke:*sighs**grads Rose's waist and pulls her close*
Rose:"what are you....."
Luke:*kisses Rose*
Rose:*clams down while Luke is kissing her*
Luke:*stops kissing Rose*
Rose:"Luke what was that kiss for?"
Luke:'That kiss was to clam you down my dear."
Rose:*speechless right now*
Luke:"Speechless my dear."
Rose:............."I guess so."
Luke:"Come inside Rose before the sun comes up."
Rose:"Why?The sun won't be up until about six o clock in the morning.
Luke:"Because vampire's burn easy when we're out in the sun.And I just want you to come inside so that way your safe."
Rose:"Ok.By the way what time is it?"
Luke:"It's 2:30am."
Rose:"Oh wow.You want me to come inside really early."
Rose:"Ok then."*walks from the balcony into the bedroom*

Well that's all for now forks.Hey everyone sorry I haven't posted anything lately,I been busy with school.Here is part  five.Part six coming soon.

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